Are we there yet?

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"What? Kira?"

"Are we there yet?"


"Now are we there?"


"Now are we there?"

"I swear if you don't shut up kid we will leave you!"

I looked at Jiraya in shock before running in front of him backward

"Teach me the Rasengan, and I will leave you alone!"


"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

"Oh sweet lord shut up I'll teach you it!"


He tossed me a water balloon

"Pop it!"

I concentrated my chakra on the ball, a hole tore in it

"Does this count?"

"Naruto show her..."

He gave us each one, and Naruto's exploded

"Oh, sweet mother of lemons!!"

I laughed and made my chakra swirl in my palm, and the balloon exploded soaking me, and Naruto


"Now this!"

He handed me a rubber ball, and I groaned in annoyance. We eventually stopped to rest, and eat. Naruto complained about it while I tried to pop the ball. I finally got angry, and focused a lot of my chakra, and focused it in the middle of the ball, and imagined it getting bigger. The ball exploded, and Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Naruto stared at me surprised


"Kira... It took me two days to do that!!"


He sighed and Jiraya explained the next steps, and I listened and made a spinning chakra ball. I laughed cause it was purple, unlike Naruto's

"Hey, guys!!! It's purple!!"

Jiraya facepalmed, and we got up and continued walking. After two LONG hours of walking, we arrived at the leaf. Naruto ran to the hospital me following him. He went to Sasuke's room, and I wandered until I crashed into Tsunade who was going to Kakashi's room. Wondering how my dad was I followed her. She released the genjutsu, and I heard dad scream out in fear.

I eyed him curiously

"Tsunade!!!! They've got her!! The Akatsuki have Kurosu!! They're going to kill her!!"

Guilt pulled at me, and I sighed activating my Sharingan.

"Hatake-san look at me."

He looked into my Sharingan, and I caught him in Kotoamatsukami only I was standing in front of him, as I normally would.


"Dad... Calm down I'm alive and okay. But you can't tell anyone that I am. Not even Naruto. Alright!"

He nodded, and I released the jutsu, and noticed Tsunade was gone.

"Let's go to Uchiha-san now Hatake-San!"

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