Chapter 2

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lara POV

"AMY!!", I screamed

I ran towards the edge and was about to jump off when all of a sudden Someone grabbed my hand.Raph.

"She's fine.", He said calmly


"She's fine"

I shook my head and tried to pull away but he had an iron grip.

"calm down,Look, see she's fine"

I looked and saw Amy clinging on to Mikey for dear life. I sighed, relief flooding through me. Then I gave him a look.

"Can you let go now?"

"Wha-Oh y-yeah sorry bout' that"

He let go of my hand and rubbed the back of his neck blushng slightly, and chuckled akwardly. I raised an 'eyebrow' at him and turned away.

Raph POV 

i watched her walk towards her sisters.Crap. Did I really just chuckle?! Wow I am such a loser....I hope she likes me to- No Raph! Think about Mona! I did but My stomach didn't flutter as much as it used to.Weird.


That was soo scary! One minute I was joking with mikey and the next thing I know-BOOM!

I felt mikey grab Me as I was falling and he landed in the alley and caught me. I heard someone scream my name. I clung on to him as he climbed back up. 

"you ok dudette?"

"y-yeah I-i T-think s-so"

"woah dudette calm down your safe!"

I just clung to him tighter. we finally made it back to the top and all of a sudden I was crowded by all of my sisters!

vee POV

I have never been more scared in my whole life! I held Amy until she squirmed so much i couldn't keep my grasp. Lara just punched her arm and hugged her.

"Hm she seems to have no broken bones", analyzed Talena

"Good." said Lara and Mikey at the same time.

We all looked at him.

"What?",he asked,"Am I supposed to be sad she didn't get hurt or something?!"

"N-no",stutters Lara,"it's just-No one actually cared about her safety except for us..."

"Oh...well umm......."

"Umm what?"

"I'm glad she's ok?"

"Why did u say that like a question!?!?!"

"Hey back off!",said Raph

"oh yeah?"

"Yeah. Nobody picks on mikey except for me!"

They were both in each others faces now. 

"Why I oughta-"

raph cut her off with a death glare.


Lara just muttered and turned away.

Lara POV

Who does he think he is!??

Raph POv

Who does she think she is? The queen of england??!

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