The wedding part 2

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Mona POV

SHIT. everyone is staring at me. what am I supposed to do??  *^*

ok, play dumb...

"what are you talking about?"

Not THAT dumb!!

Lara rolls her eyes and goes upstairs.

Raph just sighs, stands up and with zero emotion , he says "its over."

"Fine!" I answer. He can be a jerk if he wants to.

I stalk out of the lair. Bitch.


Raph walks out of the living room.

Amoly and mikey look at each other and start smiling. "What are you guys smiling at?", asks vee in her Beautiful english accent. Wait...beautiful? Yes.

"Oh nothing... just the fact that Lara can tell Raph that shes pregnant."

Says amoly. Her eyes all of a suddenly widen. "Sshit!",  she says drawing out the sh part.
I turn around and see raph standing in the doorway. Double shit.


Lara POV.

I lay in the lab dead tired. Childbirth is THE WORST. I look to my right and see the twins in their beds. UGH. That's right you read it. Twins. As in Raph has to get twice the stuff.
Sucks for him! Where is Raph anyway? I sit up and look around. Oof hes over across the lab with donnie. I close my eyes. A few hours later I wake up to see Raph talking to the sleeping twins. We have to pick names for them still. Wait is he...Crying? Oh tears of joy. *eyeroll* weak.. once the drama fest is over he turns around and notices I'm awake.

"Oh... Hey Lara um...  how long were you awake?"

"Long enough."

He rolls his eyes playfully.

"Again that's not what I meant" (reference to the second or third chapter)

I stand up.

"Woah, hold on are you supposed to be standing??"

I roll my eyes. "Raph chill, ....I'm  fine!"

I walk over to the Male twin. I pick him up, he fits perfectly on my arms. I dont know why but I wallk over to Raph and thrust him in his arms.

Raph panics at first and all is calm until this happens:

Raph panics at first and all is calm until this happens:

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"OW! what the heck, kiddo!", he exclaims.

I take him back to his bed and give raph his sister, older by a minute.  "What should we name them?", I ask.

"Hmm feel like the Male child be cole or something."

I nod my head.

"Cole it is; I feel like ember or amber for the girl."

Ralph thinks for a moment.

"Hmm maybe amber?"

I nod  my head on agreement. We all sit on my bed and fall asleep cuddling, Amber in  my arms, cole in  his, and me in Raphs. Happy at last.

      Note from author:

HEWO!! It's me and I have BIG news! I am officially remaking this book!! I will still have this up as like a roughdraft and after this chapter I will just put like little scenarios that happen. Not anything to move the story along just little skits and scenarios. Anyway PEACE! Hope you enjoyed this book and that is the end of the story!! Love u all!! BYEE!!

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