The Wedding (i cant even rn*)

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Raph POV

As me and Mona go upstairs I hear everyone laughing. UGH. Of course their all laughing...and mona's really sensitive.. anyway tomorrow is the day we get married! Yay! I and Mona go to the spare bed room and go to sleep.

*after kitchen incident (last chapter
Me and Mona look at each other and start to laugh.

"Oh my GOD!!",exclaimed mona, "that was  the funniest thing I have ever witnessed!"

(Side note guys, I'm crying writing this because as the title says their getting married!😭😭 -Dezzy)

Afterward, Mona has to go somewhere. Something about a surprise? Idk. I go back to thinking...all of a sudden Lara pops into my thoughts.


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NO. Ugh, I can't think!! I walk into the living room and hear noises. Sounds like music. Is that a new room? I walk towards the sound I see Lara.. in a RECORDING STUDIO!?! WTF!?! Wait what's she doing? Is she singing? Why does it sound so..sad?

(Oh, maybe cos she's pregnant with your child and you're getting married and she still loves you?)
Lara POV

After the whole kitchen fiasco, I went to my studio to work on my new song. I put on my headphones and turn on the music and well..sing.

I finish the song and stop the recording and take off my headphones. I look up to see a figure walking down the hallway. Strange? Oh well. My stomach starts to growl. Oh, right... I didn't get breakfast..oof
I walk out and see everyone freaking out and making the living room look like a...WEDDING PARTY!?! I roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen. WORST. MISTAKE. EVER. I did NOT need to see vee and Leo making out. My appetite is lost again. Ew. Anyway, tal calls all of us to the living room. Does she have dresses for us? Ok then...

I go upstairs to try on my dress. Ew.

Its disgusting!!! Its PINK!!! Ew. Ew. Ew. 

I put on the shawl. There I'll just wear this. Idc at this point. Wait. I look down. For some reason I have like no baby bump.. strange.. oh well, I walk downstairs.

"LARA!!! WHAT ARE YO-", yells venus.

"I don't have to come so... I'll just wear this shit.  Ok cos the dress I got is HORRENDOUS. So shut up please.", I say annoyed as FUCK.


--is acceptable in my book so leave me alone

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--is acceptable in my book so leave me alone.", I add.

All of a sudden Raph walks.

"Have you guys seen mo- Larota what the hell  are you wearing?"


"*eyeroll* anyway have any of you seen Mona?"

"Nope.", I say making the "p" pop.

Everyone stares at me.

"What.", I ask. What do they want? Geeze.

"Um are you sure?", asks Talena

"What oh of course I kidnapped mona and hid her away. Lemme think I'm jealous? Well let me tell you, I'm not. *eyeroll* now if you'll excuse me I'm going to eat some food."

I walk into the kitchen and eat a granola bar. Ugh. I sit on a stool and check my snapchat. Hmm that's strange. Oop found mona.

"Found her.", I say walking out of the kitchen. I hold up my phone. It has her phone signal on the radar. Everyone stares at me.


"Umm why were you... uh... how do i say this-" I chime in "with your mouth." He shakes his head, smiling slightly but barely, "no, i meant why were you stalking her?", asks Raph.

I shake my head. I walk out of the lair completely ignoring his question. I hear him behind me a few moments later.


" I'm coming with you.", he says

A few minutes later we find her. With Jakana. Making out. Oof. I look over at
Raph and see his face clouded over. Great. Just great. We get back to the lair and mona comes in a few moments later. She notices Raph looking and on the couch.

"What's wrong?", she asks

I glare at her.

"So Mona. Have fun making out with Jakana?", I say exposing her secret.

She looks at me with a fire in her eyes

"Dont get mad at ME. Its your fault", I state. Then it go upstairs and fall asleep for a little. The wedding is called off. Oof. Now I feel bad. I wish Raph didn't see that. I wish he never got hurt. I wish I never got hurt. I wish...I just wish..that none of this ever happened. I wish I could tell him
About our unborn child. But I cant....I just cant...

The end?!!

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