A Moderate Discourse

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Y'all know I just can't resist my music! So here's some Skyrim tavern ambiance music to listen to as you read along, just to get you in that magical RPG mood!

Why, hello, my humble audience! It's been a while, hasn't it? I mean, I haven't posted anything on this account since I was about 12 years old, and many things--changes--have occurred in the last few years. Among these changes is a MAJOR alteration in my writing style, as my writing has significantly matured and developed from its previous, illogical, unstructured form. So, you ask, today, after all these years, why am I suddenly returning to this platform? Well, simply because I wish to demonstrate a bit of my...err...improved writing abilities. I'm not quite proud of what I published several years ago as a young girl, but then again, I do have to give myself credit for at least trying; after all, I was only a 12-year-old. Therefore, (quite honestly) for the sake of personal pride and redemption, I've come to demonstrate my more...cultivated writing skills--you know, so my 9 followers and perhaps the 5 other people that read this can see my improvement. So, quite nominally, I give you "The Elf!"

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