The Elf (The excerpt)

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Hey, guys! Make sure to play the video above and listen to the music as you read along to get the full "vibes" of the music and literature. Thanks!

She had a grey, stoic face with sharp edges jutting out on her chin, cheekbones, ears, and jawline. It almost seemed that this creature could only be sculpted by an artist of the most mystical, chimerical fancies, for her body resembled that of a stealthy forest-dweller, living among the deer and nectared-buttercups and twisted vines of deep green. Her eyes were keen, stark, and lively--round balls of chartreuse fire in a narrow chasm outlined by smooth, foggy stone. A thin, pewter smirk gripped her face wildly as her trained eyes focused on her target: an unsuspecting hog lying just beside the bubbling river.

With one swift gesture, she swept a thicket of her brambled blonde tresses off her shoulder and released the arrow from her hand-crafted bow. The pig was immediately struck in the head, and, without uttering a single noise of despair, died, with hot blood gushing out the injury thus caused. The elf creature wasn't hesitant to dart forth and claim her prized game, leaving the bright forest clearing.

As soon as Roldak determined that it was safe to abandon his hiding place, he started to creep towards the clearing. He could see that, in the rich black loam of the forest floor, there were footprints of the elf's dainty leather shoes. His eyes followed the footprints, which continued along a trail down to the river basin, where that elf had shot the hog from at least 20 feet away. Suddenly, a memory flashed before his eyes--it was that elf; those emerald eyes, those intelligent emerald eyes burst like hot glass shattered into a thousand burning morsels in his head. It was almost as if the eyes alone had seared themselves onto his very brain, carving indentions on it, stealing its thoughts and provoking the soul. His vision clouded into a hazy mist of white powder, but, at the same time, he felt that he saw prisms of light--colors dancing in fantastic whirls and waves of passion, fractals spiraling with the heat rising from his body. He gawked at the vision before him as beads of salt began to accumulate on his brow. Almost instantaneously, the fern of the elf's eyes condensed in his sight as large, bewildering monsters, almost big enough in size to engulf Roldak whole. The two eyes entrapped Roldak in their unwavering gaze, caging him into his own realm of shock and fear. He wanted to scream out loud in bloody horror, but something repressed it from unleashing its ear-bleeding potency; instead, he merely allowed the tormented silence to continue and shuddered under the gaze of the terrifying figment before him.
It seemed almost as if the writhing black eyelashes were slimy, waving tentacles that reached out to his innocent, hopeless body.
Then, a tentacle of black extended outward and started to reach for his cheek. The tentacle grew closer and closer...closer...closer.... closer...
The heat grew....grew....grew...

Roldak's mouth went dry, his blood rushed hot through his adrenaline-fueled mind, and his pupils retracted into his skull and fear gorged on every fiber of his being.
Sweat drenched his hot body as he held his breath...
The tentacle was about to tou--

Everything shattered.

With as much swiftness as it had started, the trance ended like a phantasmagorical fever dream. The crumbling figures of imagination snapped back to reality, and Rodlak saw himself, once again, in the forest. A bird chirped nearby. A squirrel moved. The nearby river rippled and flowed as it did before.
Reality had returned in full.

Dazed, Rodlak's hazy mind told him to get out of that clearing, and he proceeded to do thus.
Somewhat tripping over his own steps, he stumbled out of the clearing and started to trample his way in the opposite direction of the river, not at all wishing to go toward the river and encounter that she-elf with the burning eyes of flaming green...

But yet, as he took each new step forward, something deep, deep inside himself, perhaps a devilish little imp or sinister nymph, was saying, "Go back. Go toward the river...Go back..."

But he didn't go back.

To be continued...
Hope you guys liked this little excerpt! Let me know if y'all'd (that was a triple contraction lmao) like to see a full, fleshed-out story. Make sure to vote, rate, and comment!

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