"Be careful who you trust, the devil was once an angel."
/ A season 2 riverdale & Sweet Pea Fan fiction /
- I DO NOT own anything of the CW show Riverdale, only my character and her dialogue -
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IT WAS JUST a normal morning in the Ramirez house hold. The short haired brunette stood in the small Sunny Side trailer kitchen cooking breakfast for her teenaged sleeping daughter, whom she holds close to her heart more than anything.
Since the death of Gabriel Ramirez, Kandice has been very protective over her daughter Lillian. Kandice, a store clerk by day and a bartender at the Wyrm at night.
The mother works extra hard to give her daughter, somewhat a normal teenager life. But, it's hard when you are a widow working six days out of the week and trying to provide for your only child.
Whilst paying bills and etc. Lillian takes after her mother; Hardworking, Strong, and Fierce.
The Ramirez girls are known for being one of the strongest of the Southside Serpents; A gang that is on the bad side of the tracks, and rivals to the Northside of the small town called, Riverdale.
The Serpents are known for drug dealing, murder and much more crimes. But, they are also known for their loyalty to their own.
When Gabriel died, the whole gang was there for Kandice and Lillian. Especially Lillian's best friends; Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea.
The death of The Serpent took a big toll on the gang for years, and still does till this day. But Kandice always keeps a smile on her face for her daughter.
Even when her daughter is not a morning person...
"Mija, time to wake up mi amor," Kandice called from the kitchen.
The teen groaned as her eyes squinted from the bright light beaming from her bedroom window. When she heard her door burst open, she jumped startling.
"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!" Fangs and her other two best friends bursted in her room.
"I hate you guys!" Lillian yells in annoyance while throwing a pillow at the tall and broad sweet pea.
"Awe, little Lilly is not a morning person." Sweet pea said as he plopped himself on her bed, "Come on, you will be late if you don't get up."
Lilly's pink haired friend's voice chimes in as Sweet pea played with the young Latina's long hair, "yeah, I have to give F.P.'s son a tour so I can't be late."
"F.P.'s son?" Lilly asked as she held herself up on the back of her elbows.
"Yep, Toni the Babysitter." Fangs teased the pink haired girl.
"If you guys want breakfast, you better get in here!" Lilly's mom yelled from the kitchen.
Sweet Pea rolled over Lilly, making her let out a groan from all his weight, and he pushed fangs out the way to get to the food first.
Toni closed the door as Lilly got up, going through her drawers. Pulling out black ripped jeans and a white cropped tank.
"You and Sweetie would be so cute as a couple." Toni randomly said as the other teen slipped on her cloths. Lilly looked at her with furrowed eyebrows and a crinkled nose.
"Don't say that," Lilly said as she put on her black leather jacket with the serpent emblem on the back, "I love him but as my best friend."
"Mhmmm," Toni teased.
When the brunette girl was dressed, they went into the kitchen to see fangs and sweet pea stuffing their mouths, "you are literally the best cook in sunny side," Fangs said with a mouth full of food.
"Thank you, Fangs," Kandice said kindly as she patted him on the shoulder, "This is why he's my favorite."
Sweet pea gave her a look which made them chuckle, "you guys better get goin'!" Lillian's mom fussed as she took the plates.
Fangs quickly grabbed the rest of his food with his hands and walked out the door still eating.
"Later, mama." Lilly kisses her mom on the cheek and runs out the door, beginning the walk to Southside High School.
— — —
When the four teens walked past the security guards and the metal detectors, they made they're way to the rest of the serpent group.
Their friends greeted them, until Toni grabbed Lilly's attention, "Duty calls," she pointed to the familiar face of Jughead Jones.
"Ha, she said duty." Fangs said immaturely as Toni gave him a death glare.
"See you in second hour." Lilly sighed as Toni walked off.
The bell soon rung and Sweet Pea did his daily walk to first hour with Lilly, "So, lils," Sweet Pea let out a sigh, "up to go to the quarry later?"
Lilly sucked in tight air, making a hiss noise, "I don't know, kinda busy," she folded her arms as a smirk formed on her face.
"Come on," The broad boy nudged his best friend, "please."
"Fine, sweetie but don't bug me the rest of the day." She pointed a finger at him as she saw the teens in at the end of the corridor with long sticks filled with the popular drug called, "Jingle-Jangle".
She shook her head as she entered her first hour of the day which is American History.
Yay! First chapter! I know it's short but longer chapters are coming! Hope you liked it.