Good Byes

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Please note that there is a sexual assault scene. Its a small one, more suggestive I would say but I decided to insert this warning anyhow.


Weeks turned into months that follows, Taehyung and Jungkook would spend after hours at the office after everyone has gone home. It was an unspoken sort of plan, but they always end up waiting for each other on the same day, same time, and doing the same things. Jungkook would bring the food, and Taehyung would bring the booze. Taehyung couldn't help but be drawn to the younger, and soon considered him a friend. Jungkook however was still relentless, always trying to ask the older on a date, saying Taehyung doesn't know what's he's missing out on. In those moments, it was clear to Tae that he hasn't laughed as much or felt so at ease in a long time. Jimin stopped waiting up for Tae in his room. Instead he tries to drown himself with free booze at the bar offered by strangers. He would dance on anybody and try to get so messed up that the world would just spin under him, so he could try to wash all the confusion and pain away.

On this night in particular Jimin was courted by some random guy who couldn't take a hint. Jimin wasn't in the mood to sleep with anyone, after all.... the only person he wanted touching him was his best friend.

Jimin was sitting on a bar stole trying to ignore the ignorant bastard while taking down another shot of tequila.

"Look sexy lips. I bought you a drink earlier.... The least you can do is pay me back..... look lets just head to the restroom and you can give me a little something back.... Whata ya say hmm?", the man towered over Jimin and he looked like a cheap mafia wanna be.

"pfttts... HA! Youuu got meH wwaaONe drink. aNd itss wazz cheAp vOdka. GO suck yoUr own dddicK", Jimin was drunk and slurring his words as he looked through his contacts, still sober enough to wish for his best friend to come save him.

The man got aggressive as he starts putting his hands on Jimin's thighs and pulling him into his arms. Jimin pushes and shoves but he was too gone to do much about it. He scans for help, but everyone was drowning themselves in the music and alcohol, so no one paind any attention. Jimin accidently dials Taehyung contact.

".....all I'm saying is we've been secretly meeting and its like the 20th time now..... You should really consider letting me take you out for some real food instead of burgers", Jungkook says smiling so big, his big round eyes turned into little crescents and the smile lines appeared at the corners of his eyes. Taehyung couldn't help but reach over and pinch the younger's cheeks.

"ohhh look at the little baby trying to ask me on a date. Oh Jungkookahh you are too adorable. I might just say yes", Taehyung stuck his tongue and winked.

"Oh really now?", Jungkook says happily as he feeds the older some fried chicken.

Just then Taehyung phone started to ring. At first Taehyung wanted to ignore it, seeing that it was Jimin. But they hadn't talked in weeks as Taehyung had been avoiding him, and he knows Jimin would only call this late if it was something important. So reluctantly he answers.

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