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"You know," Violetta starts, moving eggs on a pan with a spatula. "We've been doing a lot of window shopping for our wedding and I think it's time we actually do some real shopping." Leon stops mid-sip, placing his coffee back on the table.

"Is that so? What did you have in mind?" Violetta drops a steaming plate of eggs and bacon in front of Leon, helping herself to some toast with her own plate.

"I've had my eye on this venue for a while and I think we should go see it in person, if you want. Since you have more free time, I was thinking we could take care of some of this while we have the chance." Leon wants to see his girl happy and what better way than to give her what she wants.

"Alright, when can we go see it?"

Violetta had already scheduled a visit for the upcoming Friday and that morning they set out, Violetta bubbly as ever as they drove forty-five minutes to the place.

"It's beautiful Leon, you'll love it!" She gushes, rattling off the next set of directions as they near the place.

It became very apparent that wherever it was they were going, it was high class. Streets were lined with big oak trees and second story houses, wall fencing encasing it all. Leon worries a little about the price range for a place like this, not sure his budget will allow something so grand. Leon gulps as they near the gate, a security man buzzing them inside. They drive up a short hill, a building coming into view.

It's a tall building, not looming, but breathtaking. Leon's eyes widen once in front of the building, the towering shadow of the hotel a little more intimidating in person. The hotel might be built similar to a skyscraper, yet felt easy and fun. Not at all stuffy or high maintenance, compared to what Leon expected by the surrounding area. A middle-aged man waits at the door, perky smile as he rushes to the couple.

"So nice to finally meet you, and you must be Leon." He greets, offering a handshake to Leon. Leon smiles as they make their way inside, Leon taking note of all the fancy details of the place.

The building is not made modern, earthier in beige tones and vintage furniture. Violetta follows closely beside the chirpy man as Leon falls back, trying to study it all. The finally reach the end of a hallway. The man gives a flourish with his hands, an opening to enter the room.

"This is our event lounge."

Leon imagined something small, something more like a backyard wedding what with the rest of the vibe the building gave. However, the interior of the lounge is just as vintage as the rest of the building, but in a flashy way. It reminds Leon of the early 20's, back when everything was all bright lights and sprinkled with glamour. Glitter accents outline the windows. Lavish paintings rested on the walls. A chandelier hung from the ceiling, one so large and delicate Leon almost worried about it breaking. There was also plenty of dance space as they crossed the lounge, Violetta in awe as the man told them more about the place.

"This building has been standing for almost 100 years, built back in 1919." He flashed a smirk, noting the sparkle in Violetta's eyes. "Truly a piece of art if I do say so, this place was styled by Parisians in the late 1920's. It has been host to dozens of weddings and parties, made with the mind that fun always be had here."

Leon has to admit, he did love the lounge, could already imagine the ceremony taking place. He tries to dismiss the illusion, there's still too much to think about before he settles on the place. Costbeing one of them.

"How much is it?" He's almost scared to hear it, nervous that all the work and effort he's been putting in has been worth nothing. The chipper man only offers a sly smile, glancing at Violetta who shares her own devious smirk.

"Not a dime for a young couple like you." Leon doesn't understand, making a face to prove so to Violetta. She giggles, coming to push lightly at his chest.

"Don't mind him, he likes to put on a show." Even more confused, Leon glances at the chipper man before him. He nears the couple, tapping his chin thoughtfully.

"Couldn't let me have this one, huh Vilu." Violetta finally makes a clear introduction.

"Leon, this is Pablo. He's a family friend." Pablo laughs, the older gentlemen getting a rise out of Leon's utter confusion.

"Family friend is putting it lightly. I'm practically her uncle and also the owner of this establishment." Clear on the situation, Leon can finally laugh in embarrassment. " Violetta has been dying to get married here since she was toddler." Pablo reminisces, Violetta tapping his shoulder with a blush.

"He's not supposed to know that." she hisses. Leon can only roll his eyes.

"Why not? I should know everything there is to know about you if we're set to be wed." He brings Violetta close, planting a quick kiss on her forehead.

"He really is a keeper." Pablo says dreamily, Violetta giggling as she turns toward him.

"He is, isn't he."

They go to his office to talk more wedding details, a wave hitting Leon like a truck. It's real. He'll be married to Violetta. It's no longer just words, its plans being set in motion. Soon they'll be a true married pair and Leon is more than excited. There's even a date now.

July twenty-sixth, their summer wedding is in route. 

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