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Being temporarily unemployed is a lot different than what Leon imagined. Mostly due to the fact that he's always been so absorbed in the office that he has no idea what his hobbies used to be.

What did he used to do for fun? What were his past times? Did he even have any? At this point he's starting to think his whole life might just have revolved around the office, even if he's only been working there for a year. It all seems like such a long time ago, the fun he used to have with no responsibilities, no paperwork surrounding his every space, no calls to interrupt his time with Violetta. It's so distant, he feels a little anxious about it, how far the lawyer life consumed him. It's not sitting well with him.

He hurriedly leaves the apartment, hat backward on his head and backpack over his shoulders. He wants to be outside for a while, wants to soak in some summer sun. He thinks he almost forgets how it feels, the rays of light warming his shoulders in a way he hasn't felt in a long time. He shades the sun with his hand as he glances from side to side, crossing the street to dip his feet in the sand.

For as long as he's lived in his apartment, he has yet to visit this beach. It was what he wanted the most when searching for their home. Somewhere that overlooked the sea, so they could frequent often, so he could see the way Violetta would light up every time she glanced outside.

But her smile seemed to fade sometimes, probably because she hadn't gotten a chance to visit it properly, Leon was always too busy. Or maybe she did frequent the beach and Leon was never aware. It saddens him to think she would sit out here on her own because he couldn't be there for her, because he was always working, always somewhere else.

He straightens himself, dumping his bag in the sand and hurdling himself into the sea. It's liberating. It feels like freedom in the ocean. The ever-expanding horizon reminds him of endless possibility and he wants to feel that way forever, doesn't want to think about what's been holding him back. He dunks his head underwater, soaking in delight. This was what he wanted. Something freeing, something to calm his nerves.

When he's resurfaced, he gazes to the horizon again, wondering what's in store for him. What's next in his life, not just for him, but also with Violetta? The real questions come to mind and as much as he wishes he could push them away, he feels that now is the best time to answer them, to deal with all that's been driving him mad. So he ponders, wadding in the water until the sun begins to set.

One call later, Violetta has joined him after having been away with Ludmilla. She's shouting in glee as her toes meet the water, running away just as the tide comes in. Leon keeps telling her to throw herself in already, let herself revel in the beauty that is the sea, but she's hesitant as she waddles her way in, ankle deep now.

Leon can't have it any longer. He sweeps her off her feet, launching them both into the water. She yelps with laughter, hair a stringy mess as she pushes it back. Leon fits them close together, the water nice on their hot skin.

Summer is about this feeling, the feeling of no pressure, endless fun and Leon thinks that he doesn't always need for it to be summer to feel this way. As long as he has Violetta by his side, he'll always feel this way; feel that their love can be everlasting.

Fun at the beach ends for the night and the next day is another day of Leon wondering what he can do. Violetta is with him this time, shorts and tank on as she lingers about, mostly lazing over in the living room. Leon joins her for a while, enjoying some movie on the television, but the feeling from yesterday returns and he has this feeling like he should be somewhere, should be doing something. His hand taps on the couch, other hand swirling patterns on Violetta's skin. Why can't he keep still, what is it he feels he needs to do?

'Leon?" His trance is broken at her voice, Leon humming to show he's heard her. "Something on your mind?" She points to where his hand has stopped, Leon noticing that he's actually marked Violetta's skin with the pattern he'd been repeating one too many times.

"Sorry, I just-"

He's not really sure what's wrong. "Something feels off with me lately. I just don't feel like myself without the office." He traces the pattern once more. "There's something I think we should talk about." He breathes deeply, Violetta concerned with where the conversation is going. "I've wanted to be a lawyer since I could remember, something about this life had always seemed so appealing, so cause worthy. But lately, it's not at all what I had in mind and I'm not sure how well I've been dealing with it these past coupple months. Everything about it is so stressing, to the point where I just want to drop it all." He glances at Violetta, scared for what she has to say.

She leans close, wrapping her arms around him and nuzzling against his chest.

"You know I'm not blind right?" She giggles, tapping his tummy lightly. "I could see that you weren't totally happy, but I didn't want to say anything because this had always been your dream." Leon pats her shoulder.

A life of fighting for what he believes in is all he's ever wanted, supporting cases he found needed his specialty. He wanted to do so much for the world, but the work he was doing was from what he thought helping the world would look like. There must be something else, another way to still find that passion in his life.

Violetta glances up at him, serious. "You know, dreams can always change."

If dreams can change, what is Leon's?

Living With My Fiancé - LeonettaWhere stories live. Discover now