Chapter 15: Broken Trust (EDITED)

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My mind was whirling in chaos. I couldn't stop thinking about Will's lies. I sighed, grabbed the remote and turned the volume up on the TV, hoping to drown out my thoughts. I was watching my favorite movie, Pride and Prejudice, curled up on the couch with some hot cocoa. Despite my best attempts, my thoughts kept returning to today's events and their consequences.

After I left Will's place I drove around for a while, just letting my mind race. He was FBI?! I was so blind.  Screw that, I've got to be the biggest IDIOT for not seeing it. He was supposed to be my best friend and I'd been too caught up in my own issues to see who he really was.

I drove to my apartment feeling a new sense of determination. No more. I would no longer be stupid, naïve Annalee, letting people walk all over her. I needed to take a step back and figure out who was sincere in my life. And one thing was for sure; Will would NEVER be a part of my life again.

After making my resolution I unpacked my things and called the detectives' number. I let them know I was back at my apartment and they could send someone to help add locks to my windows. I was done letting people screw me over and if those creeps who keep threatening me think they can do whatever they want to me they can think again. I'd do whatever I needed to from now on.

My angry resolve held while the police officer was over securing my place. Once he was done and gone I quickly ran out of things to do, however, and I found myself suddenly drained of my anger and left with hurt and sadness. Will had been the most important thing in my life for what felt like so long but it was a lie. I'd never truly had anyone care about me. Not my dad, not Will, not anyone. I sobbed, feeling a deep hurt. Was I so unlovable? Since my mom died it felt like things in my life were never the same.

After the little bit of crying I allowed myself, I turned on Pride and Prejudice and settled down with my warm drink. Jaime had called to see if he could come over but I told him not tonight. He'd seemed a little concerned but I didn't want to tell him what happened just yet. I may not trust Will, but after seeing how ruthless people could be I needed to make sure he wasn't right about my boyfriend before I allowed him further into my battered heart.

I tried yet again to silence my thoughts with the movie, allowing the music and complexity of it to sweep me away. Watching Mr. Darcy's first proposal I just about managed to do just that. Of course, it didn't last. Suddenly a noise at the window startled me. I jumped up, grabbing the bat I'd been keeping on the ground in front of the old couch and moved a little closer.

I nearly screamed hearing it again. But this time I heard it more clearly; it was a knock. Moving closer I peered through the darkness and jumped when I saw a face hovering out there. I groaned when I noticed who that face belonged to.

"Go away!" I yelled, letting the bat drop to my side.

"Annie please! You have to listen to me! Let me explain." His muffled shout came through the window. I was already shaking my head and headed for the couch again. No way was I going to let him in. I curled up in a ball on the couch again and pressed play.

"Annie! Please listen to me!"

I cut him off abruptly by turning the volume up even more until I couldn't hear his pleas. Finally when the noise outside stopped I began to relax into the saggy cushions underneath me and before I knew it I was falling asleep.


Groggily my eyes started blinking open to the fully lit room. The sunlight through the window told me it was at least mid day. I stretched my sore muscles, wincing at the cracks and pops in my spine. Maybe sleeping on the couch wasn't the best idea after all.

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