Chapter 23: And Curiosity Killed the Cat (EDITED)

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Why would my dad say Will was in love with me? He couldn't be, right? He'd never said anything I could perceive as that...But he did kiss me. He was drunk when that happened, so was it intentional or not?

My pondering made the atmosphere in the car tense. Will kept looking at me, probably checking to see if I was upset. Finally his patience snapped.

"You're obviously thinking long and hard about something. Just tell me what it is already."

I rolled my eyes at him. It was none of his business what I was thinking. My silence spoke for itself, when he finally sighed in acceptance.

"Fine. Will you at least tell me how it went? I'm really curious." He asked, eyes wide.

I weighed my options. If I talked to him about that, he might stop asking about what I was thinking about...

"Alright. At first it was a little tense. I wasn't sure going into it what I was going to say. He apologized to me for everything that's happened. I eventually said I was willing to forgive him. After that we talked about school and life. It was nice actually."

"Wait, you said you'd forgive him?" He asked, surprise and anger evident in his tone.

"Yeah, so what?"

He glanced at me, frustrated and pained. "How is it you're able to forgive him but not me? He did the same thing I did!"

The thing was, I think I had forgiven him.  But he could never know that.  I knew I had to keep up my front of still being angry at him, but I hated it. "No he didn't! The circumstances were completely different. He abandoned me to keep me safe. He said he was wrong and he wished he could take it all back. You lied to me for all that time, pretending to be something you weren't. You betrayed me. He made a mistake, but at least it wasn't flat-out betrayal. Besides, I haven't forgiven him yet. It's a work in progress. Just like it is with you."

Will hmphed to himself unhappily. After a couple minutes of silence, he spoke again. "Our circumstances are a little different then. He said he was wrong and that he would take it back if he could. I would do it all again in a heartbeat to keep you safe. I won't apologize for that, no matter how much you hate me right now for it."

I let out a pent-up breath in frustration. He was so stubborn. Though I had to admit, it was touching he cared so much about me. After speaking to my father and hearing how much danger he believed I would have been in, I could see sending Will in undercover to protect me. Will was just doing his job. For some reason, that thought stung. Was I just a job? Was that why he wouldn't apologize for that?

No, that didn't make sense. He kept apologizing to me when I found out. He must care about me as a person, right? My dad said he was in love with me. Did I want that to be true? I wasn't sure. The thought scared me, but I still wanted to know if it was true. Maybe I would pay attention to how he answers certain questions, see if he shows any signs of being in love with me.

My heart was pounding with my nervousness. "Will? Was I ever just a job to you?"

He glanced at me with a frown. "No, never. Why are you asking?"

"I wanted to hear your side of things." I shrugged.

"I'll answer anything you want to know honestly. I already told you, you're my best friend. You have been since I met you. No amount of my lying could ever change that."

He had said that before. "I know you've said that. But what about the little things you did for me? Like when the time you went with me to my mom's grave? Or when you had those Pride and Prejudice movie nights with me. Do you even like Pride and Prejudice?"

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