Greene Farm

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(Maggie is on the porch and is looking through her pair of binoculars and sees Rick carrying unconscious Judith in his arms)

Maggie- Dad!!!!

(Hershel exits house and sees Rick approaching them)

Rick- Please help me. My baby girl is hurt.

Hershel- Follow me.

(Hershel enters house and Rick follows Hershel)

(In a guest bedroom)

(Rick lays Judith down  on the bed and Hershel takes off Judith's black jacket and lifts up Judith's white shirt)

Hershel- Maggie go get my medical kit. Patricia and Beth go gets lots of towels.

(Maggie grabs medical kit and Patricia and Beth have lots of towels and Judith wakes up)

Hershel- Hold her down.

(Shane holds Judith down while Hershel is getting the bullet out of Judith's stomach)

Judith(girl,9)- Ah!!!

Shane- It's okay(rubs Judith's face) you're going to be okay. He's going to save you.

Judith(girl,9)- Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!

Hershel- We need your blood now or she can die.

(Patricia hands Hershel the blood that Judith needs for her stomach) 

Judith(girl,9)- Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!

Shane- It's okay don't worry(rubs Judith's face) You'll be okay.

(Judith passes out)

Rick- What happened? What's wrong with her?

Hershel- She just passed out. 

(Hershel pulls out bullet and puts Rick's blood in Judith's stomach, stitches on Judith's stomach and puts wrap around Judith's stomach and Judith has brand-new shirt on)

Beth- Dad her leg.

(Hershel lifts up Judith's right leg pant and sees A LOT of blood is still bleeding and coming out of her knee)

Hershel- Oh god. Beth and Patricia go get more towels now!!

(Beth and Patricia exiting room)

Hershel- Maggie take Rick and Shane out of the room and go get Judith's mother.

Rick- No!! I need to stay with my daughter!!!

Shane- She'll be okay Rick. Let Hershel help her.

(Rick and Shane exiting guest room)

Maggie- We need more blood.

Rick- I'll do it.

Shane- No I will. I have the same blood as her.

(Maggie takes Shane's blood and gives the blood to Patricia)

Maggie- Where's your wife Lori?

Rick- She's in the forest with my son Carl.

Maggie- I'll bring her back here. You can wait outside on the front porch for her.

(Maggie exits house)

(A few minutes later)

(Rick and Shane are sitting on the steps of the porch)

Rick- This is all my fault Shane.

Shane- No it's not Rick.

Rick- I should have kept her with us and not let her get that deer. What am I going to tell Lori man?

Shane- Don't worry bro I'm right here with you.

(Hershel exits house and Rick and Shane getting up and facing Hershel)

Hershel- She has seemed to stabilized.

(Rick hugs Hershel)

Rick- Thank you.

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