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Peter's P.O.V

I exited the car and walked over straight to Ned "hey" I whispered "Hey man, you okay. You don't look so good?" (😏) he said as we walked into the school.

"I've just had a long terrible weekend, I'll tell you at lunch" I told him as we approached our class and he nodded. I didn't pay much attention in my classes and that made time go by slow but now it's finally lunch time. Ned, MJ and I were all sitting at one table eating.

"So Peter are you going to tell us what happened?" Ned asked and I nodded

"You probably already know about the explosion that happened Saturday, right?" They both nodded and I continued.

"Yea, and my aunt was caught in that same explosion" I said trying my best not to cry like always but fail to as a few tears fell down my cheeks.

"Is she okay?" MJ asked worried and I shook my head no "no, she looked fine when I saw her the other day but she died yesterday afternoon, that's why I was called to the principal's office" just then Flash decided to make it worse and leaned on our table.

"Hey Parker, I heard what happened. Now you really are alone. What are you going to do now, live on the streets because you have nowhere to go, I guess she really didn't want you." (I FEEL SO BAD) he said and laughed then walked away.

"you know what, I going to make a quick phone call them I'm leaving" I said to MJ and Ned and walked out of the cafeteria and took my phone out to call Tony.

As soon as I called Tony he picked up really quit "yes Peter" he said knowing what I wanted.

"Can you send someone to pick me up, I want to go home" I told him "I'm already in my car, I'll be there soon, where are you?" "I'm In the cafeteria" I told him and I hung up.

I walked back into the café and didn't see Flash so I sat back down. "What was that about?" MJ asked

"As I said, I'm leaving" I said and they looked confused "Tony said if I couldn't handle being here I should tell him, so I called him and I'll be picked up soon so I could leave." I explained and they nodded.

"So he should be here any minute" as I'm looking at the doors "wait Mr. Stark is the one picking you up?" Ned asked and I nodded.

"Yea..." I said slowly. We had a little conversation for a couple minutes before the cafeteria doors opened revealing Tony. No one noticed it was him because of what he was wearing, his usual disguise. 

His eyes started roaming the room before he found me. He walked over to us and I stood up swinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Hey Tony" I said once he was close enough, he put his arm around my shoulders and said "you okay kid, what happened?" And I shook my head.

"Flash said some really mean things to Peter." MJ said and Tony looked at her "who" he asked, MJ turned around and pointed to Flash who had returned. 

"Eugene Thompson, the school's rich bully." She said and turned back around. Tony was about to walk over to him but I pulled on his arm telling him not to get involved.

"He's not worth it Tony, let's just go" I said dragging him out the café, "bye guys" I said as the doors closed.

Tony still had his arm around my shoulder, "do you wanna tell me what happened?" He asked and I nodded "when we get back" I told him. So we made our way to the car and drove home...home, I like the sound of that.

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