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Peter's P.O.V

Me and Tony sat down with the others for dinner and once everyone was there Tony made an announcement, "listen up everyone, I need you all to watch out for Deadpool, he's recently been following Spider-Man and know that Peter is him. He now knows Peter lives here with us so I'd like you guys to keep him out of here and away from Peter." Tony has told the guys then looked at me, "how did he know you and Spider-Man were the same person anyway?" Tony asked.

Everyone was now looking at me and I blushed, "Well he told me that he's been following me in my civilian form because he said my ass and body shape was the same as Spider-Man's and that's how he knew we were the person." I explained and shrugged, I saw the mixture of a shocked and scared expression on his face, I looked away and finally started eating.

After eating a ton of food as I always do, I decided to go back to my room and relax, listen to music while doing a bit of homework which wasn't hard at all because I'm that smart. The next morning when I woke up I wasn't feeling the best, the death of my aunt still lingers within me and my tears were threatening to spilling out but I didn't let them. 

I got up anyway still grieving and went to the shower to hopefully get in a better mood, and got dressed like I do everyday. I went to the kitchen to see Tony drinking coffee looking like he didn't get any sleep. I accidently bumped into the kitchen counter and Tony heard and noticed me.

"Are you ok kid?" he said, guessed he noticed the look on my face. "not really, her death is hitting hard again on me today" I said sadly and sat down, looking away to avoid eye contact. "do you want to stay home today or something?"

"Nah, I'm good. I'll do my best at school and you know that I'll message you or Happy if I need to" I think going to school might take my mind off of her, I really do miss her a lot but I know I have to stay strong. "ok, do you want me to drive you or Happy?"

"You know, I think Spider-Man will take me today" I said with a small smile leaving a little early to patrol for a little before getting to school. So like always, as Spider-Man, I go to the roof and change. As I'm swinging from building to building I can see the beautiful sunrise and all the people walking and cars driving.

It looks like there were no crimes or any bad intentions going on so I made my way to the school. As soon as I change back I look for Ned because I wanted to talk to him. Once I saw him I called out to him "Ned" I waved thinking maybe that it's time and I should finally tell him. I grabbed him by his arm, ran inside and brought him to an empty classroom.

"Why did you bring me in here?" He asked with a curious look on his face. "I want to tell you something but I need to know that you can keep a secret, a really big one." He nodded intensely. "Well" I paused for a split second looked around so no one was ease dropping and took a breath. "I'm Spider-Man" I whispered just to be cautious.

It seemed like he stood there in shock for a little trying to figure out if what he heard was right. "yo-you're Spider-Man?" he whispered and then almost shouted "You're Spider-Man" I quickly took my hands and covered his mouth. "Shush, don't shout" then I took my hands away.

"Right, sorry. So you're the Spider-Man, that's awesome, I have so many questions" I calmed him down a bit before talking so he could hear me. "I will answer any questions you have after school, you can come to my place after so message your mom" Ned quickly took out his phone and messaged her, I really hope that I didn't make a mistake and that I can fully trust him. I mean I do trust him, why wouldn't I.

"She said she's ok with it" I nodded and we walked out the door. As soon as I opened the door Michelle was standing right outside, "ahhh" I basically screamed jumping back a little. "What are you nerds doing in there" I was hesitate to say anything and before I could Ned spoke. "We were planning to hang out after school"

"And you talked about it in an empty classroom by yourselves?" Now I was getting more nervous because I really don't know what to say. "Well duh, he lives with Mr. Stark now and he doesn't want anyone hearing our conversation and asking to come with us."

She looks a little suspicious of up at first, "that makes since, we'll have fun nerds" and she walked away. I let go of the my breath that I didn't know I was holding and sigh, "thanks man, I didn't know what to say" Ned flung his arm around me and started walking. "No problem bro, that's what friends are for. Now let's get to class."

Once we got to class is was just like any other class day except towards the end. "Listen class, I know there are only a few minutes left of class but before you go I have an announcement" Mr. Harrington said. Everyone groaned, sat down and listened, "our class has an opportunity to go to and amazing location for our next field trip. You all will found out where next week on Thursday when we go there, but for now on your way out grab a permission slip and have them signed and turn in by at the latest Tuesday"

Everyone didn't seem to exited but they all happily grabbed one after the bell rung and we headed out. I didn't bother to grab one because I'm not that interested in going on another field trip. When I walked out of the room I heard my name being called, "Peter" I turned around and saw MJ. "You forgot to grab one" she said and handed me a piece of paper. 

"Oh, um, thank you b-" before I could continue she started talking. "I thought maybe the three of us could hang out on this field trip." she explained and I know I couldn't say no, she's my friend and I don't want to let her down. "Sure, thank you." and she walked away. I put the slip in my bag and walked to my next class thinking about where the trip could be. 

The time went by and school ended and I was now walking out of the building, said bye to MJ and waited for Ned. Literally five seconds later he was out and we went to the car parked in front waiting for me. I got in first than Ned, and I saw that Happy was in the drivers seat. He turned around and saw that Ned was also in the car. 

"Bringing a friend today?" he kindly asked. "Yea, I thought having a friend over would make me feel better" was all I said and we made our way to Stark tower. The ride was quiet but I could see that Ned was exited.

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