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Tony's P.O.V

It was now late at night when Peter fell asleep near the end of the 2nd movie. So I picked him up and bring him to his room and I noticed that he doesn't have much muscles/fit than I expected, he should have more with his abilities and all, I mean he is new to all of it.

After putting Peter to bed I went back to the others, "from now on we will be training with Peter." they nodded in agreement.

Next day, Peter's P.O.V

I walked into the kitchen and the first thing I heard was "are you going on patrol after school today?" I looked to see it was Tony. "Yea, why?" I asked.

"I was thinking it would be nice if you joined us for training from now on" he asked. "Yea, Sounds good. I'll join you guys after Patrol so I won't need to be picked up today" I told him, ate breakfast then went on my way to school.

School was just a normal day, Flash's comments and mostly hanging out with Ned and sometimes MJ. Right when school was over I said bye to Ned and ran out the door but not without Flash making his lame comment 'get lost Parker.'

Ignoring what he said I went to the closest ally way making sure I wasn't followed and changed into my suit. I took my bag and stated climbing the closest building and jumped from building to building.

I stopped on top of a building with a good view. Soon I felt that feeling that someone was watching me again just like the other day, so I turned around and saw a flash of red. I didn't see anything so I took a closer look and found something-someone hiding.

He was taller then me, bigger than me, wore black and red and had katanas on his back and guns on his hips. He wasn't looking in my direction, hiding from me so I decided to say something to get his attention, "um, hello." He got startled and jumped, and he slowly turned towards me.

"Hey Peter, how's your day going?" he said stretching some of the letters, and how the hell does he know my name. "Who are you and how do you know who I am?" I asked shocked that he knew "yea, not to sound creepy but I was following you yesterday and before that I've seen you around" he said then continued "oh, I also listened on your conversation with the Avengers, which I knew was kind of rude but I couldn't help myself" he finished.

I stood there just staring at him and confused "oh, my name's Deadpool by the way, or Wade. You can call me whatever you'd like" he told me. After a moment of Silence I said "Okay.... I'm gonna go now" and I turned around hoping to get away from this weird guy.

"Wait, don't go" I heard him say so I turned back around cautiously to look at him. "What?" I asked "oh I just- I wanted to hang out with you" I thought for a bit, "Fine, but don't get too close and I'm on Patrol right now so you'll have to walk and talk" I told him as I was already walking.

He followed and started talking, "How old are you?" was his first question, "16 almost 17". Some time later he made a comment that made me blush.

"You know the reason I followed civilian you was because I thought you were Spider-Man, your butt looked just like his. And can I just say, damn you have a really nice ass."

I don't know if I should be creeped out or flattered, this guy really is a weirdo. "Umm...thanks" I stuttered feeling a bit shy and awkward.

"I've got to go home now so umm, bye" I said try my fastest to get out of there and made my way home. I went threw my window, and looked behind me to make sure he didn't follow and locked the window behind me, then took my bag off and changed into some comfortable clothes and headed to the training room.

Once I got down there some of them were already training. When they saw me they all stopped and looked at me, "welcome Peter" Vision said.

I went up to Tony and asked, "who am I going against?" "All of us, I'd like to see where you stand among us all." He said. I nodded and noticed Bruce was standing in the back of the room with a clipboard in his hands. "He will be taking notes on how you do, we also don't want the hulk for this" Tony informed me.

I walked into the middle of the room waiting for someone to come to me. First up was Natasha, we did basic hand to hand combat, then the same with Steve. Next was Clint, I was blindfolded while he shot arrows at me and so on with the others and their abilities. 

After about 3 hours of training I went back to my room and took a nice cold shower. As I stepped out of the bathroom and dried my hair I heard a knocking, I thought it was the door but when I opened it no one was there.

"FRIDAY, do you know where that noise is coming from?" I asked "There is man outside your window, he has been out there for a while now." I tired to the window and slowly walked to it then opened it.

I looked out to the side and jumped back when I saw the same guy from earlier, I believe his name was Deadpool. I went back to the window and looked at him again "you scared me and what are you even doing here!" I whispered yelled.

"Sorry" he said as he climbed into my room "get out" I said and he just sat on my bed. "what are you doing here" I asked. "I wanted to see where you live." He said as he was looking around my room. "You shouldn't be here, Tony and the others are going to find out, that some creepy guy is in my room"

"I don't need to worry about them, they can't do anything to me because I can't die" he explained and as he finished I heard Tony calling me for dinner. I look back at him and tell him to go out the window and as soon as he stepped on the window Tony opened up my door and saw Deadpool.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Tony yelled at Deadpool ready to chase him. "Bye" he said as he jumped out of the window. Tony turned to me and said "what was he doing here?" "I don't know, he said he wanted to know where I live" I explained the rest and what he's been doing.

"Well don't let him in again ad stay away from him, he's one of the bad guys" I nodded, "anyway, dinner is done" and we walked out of my room into the kitchen.

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