Chapter Two

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Lassiter stood outside staring at Evian's front door. The flowers jostling some as he twisted them around in his hand. Making his free hand into a fist he was about to knock on her door when it flung open. Words failed him when his eyes fell on Evian. He couldn't help but think she looked absolutely amazing in her dress. It was mostly white with tan straps that hung on her shoulders. It tugged at her breast and all the way down to her mid-thigh where the dress stopped. There was whimsical design in tan throughout the dress.

Holding the phone to her ear. "It's ok Mrs. Littleton. It's just my date. OK, thank you." Hanging up the phone. "Hey, stranger." She smiled.

"H...hi.' Lassiter fumbled.

Pointing to he was holding. "Those for me?"

"Oh, yes they are." Handing them to her.

Evian smelled them. "They are very pretty, thanks. Why don't you come in while I put these in some water."

Lassiter looked around the place when he stepped in. It wasn't anything he would have thought. Three of the four walls were white. The fourth wall which had the fireplace was a plum purple. The fireplace was white with a string of white Christmas lights outlining it. There was a couch over by the window looking out on the front yard. Between the couch and the window seal was a small table that was hidden. A flat-screen TV hung above the fireplace. Lassiter went over to it to check out the pictures on the mantle. There was one of Juliet and Evian from high school. Evian and Juliet's faces were to the camera as they hugged. He noticed that Evian was in a dance uniform of some kind.

"That was taken at my first state competition. I was a tigerette. We took first place that year, my freshman year. Got me to captain too." Evian came back in the room. She placed the flowers on the small table that was between the couch and window. "So you ready?" Turning to him.

Taking another look around the room. "Yes." Heading for the door.

"This is really nice." Evian complimented when they sat down at there table.

Placing the napkin in his hand over his lap. "It's nothing like The Flowers."

"I prefer the small restaurants. I like the quaint intimate feeling you get with them." She smirked leaning a little on the table.

Carlton gulped, she was honest. Something he didn't use to but liked in women. The two took a few sips of there drinks after the waiter poured the wine that was picked.

Setting the cup down to finally answer the question Avian asked before the waiter came with the drinks. "I don't have a favorite movie." He said.

"Really? I would have figured someone who loves the TV show cops would have a favorite movie. There is a lot of cop movies out."

Shrugging. "I don't."

"Not even Lethal Weapon?!"

"Especially that horrible rendition of a cop movie."

Evian gave a light gasp as she placed a hand over her heart. "I love all the Lethal Weapons. They are my favorite movies ever."

"It's trash."

The corner of her mouth went up. "You know that you're not winning any brownie points by calling your dates favorite movies trash." She saw him squirm some. "It's ok though. Juliet told me a lot about you, Shawn, and Gus." Giving him a soft reassuring smile.

Playing with his tie. "What has O'Hara told you about me?"

"That is between her and me." Sitting back in her seat.

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