It Happened.

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Daniel's Part of View

The next day was great. I had a massive hangover, which was fantastic. Who doesn't love those? Oh, and along with this hangover, the day is filled with arguments. I wake up to one. At first I mainly hear Will's voice, but soon I hear Kyle's, then Woody's.

I was only catching bits of their stupid argument.

"Maybe if you..."

"Lazy! You are bloody..."

"Me?!? What about you..."

I groaned. "Shut the hell up!" I practically screamed. It got quiet, but that didn't last long. Kyle came stomping down the stairs, followed by Woody and Will.

Somehow, I was dragged into their argument. I just ignored them, but it was quite difficult.

And then I snapped. I wasn't sure what, or how, but I snapped. I shot up off the couch. Grabbing my jacket, phone and headphones, I turned towards the guys. They were watching me curiously.

"I quit."

A/N It took me forever to get here! I always rush my stories, so yeah, I forced myself to wait. I figured it was finally time!

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