A Night Together (Short)

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When Jungkook woke up, he noticed some things; hes not in his dorm, hes laying on someone elses bed, and hes cold. He panicked for a second before realising the events of last night. "Tae?" The whole room was dark, Jungkook couldn't see a thing. "Taeyhung, I'm scared," he whimpered into the darkness. 

"Jungkook?" It was  Taehyung, calling out to him from across the room where he stood, digging in the closet. "W-where are you? It's dark!" Jungkook was scared, he just wanted to go back to sleep. "I'm here, Bun, I'm here." Taehyung walked to the bed, blindly feeling for Kook's hands. 

Once he found them, he carefully held them as he spoke. "What are you scared of babe?" The nickname slipped out, but both of them found it to be comfortable. Jungkook sighed, "You leave me." 

"No, I didn't leave, I'm here," he climbed on the bed and sat by the younger who immediately clung to his arm. "Calm down, Kookie, I'm here."

Taehyung pulled the younger to lay on his chest, kissing his head as Jungkook started drifting off. "Alpha,"

Taehyung's eyes got bigger, pupils more dilated as Jungkook gingerly rubbed his nose on the Alpha, Jungkook's smell clinging to Taehyung. "Jungkookie, stop. Go to bed, you're tired, you don't know what you're doing." 

And with that, Jungkook went back to sleep, warm, safe, and comfortable.

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