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Bella watches as Natalia pulls the shards of glass out of her arm with her abilities. It was sure a sight to see, the glass pieces flying in the air and into the metal container. As the last piece of glass was pulled out Bella hissed lightly and squeezed the blonde's arm tighter. Natalia looks over at her apologetically while preparing the needle for stitching.

"I'm truly sorry Bella. I only have to stitch it up now." Bella looks down at the girl interested. The blonde didn't seem affected by her blood at all. She knew Carlisle was fine with it because of him being a doctor but the girl?

"How do you do it?" Bella's question made Natalia look up from Bella's arm to her face and smile lightly.

"Do what?" Bella shifts slightly uncomfortable.

"Be around blood, I mean I know you're older than Edward but." Natalia giggles lightly at the girl's confused look.

"I am much older than Edward, I was born in 1743, in London England and I was changed by Carlisle in 1760 at the age of 17. I have been a vampire for 245 years it's only normal that I became okay with being around blood. Besides... I was a nurse too so being around human blood was a daily back then." Natalia's answer made Bella's eyes widen taken back by how old the girl was, she knew she was..old..but not this old. The girl had such a baby face that she didn't even look 17.

"You were a nurse? It must have been hard at the beginning." Natalia nodded, she wasn't going to lie, yes it was challenging but after a while, it just stopped bothering her.

"At the beginning, yes, but I was able to overcome it. Yes, it was hard but not everything in life is easy. I also met a lot of people during these years that I would call friends." Natalia smiles remembering the past.

"Did you ever think about doing it the easy way?" Natalia shakes her head at Bella's question as she stitches Bella's arm.

"No. I knew who I wanted to be, I wanted to help people not hurt them. It brought me happiness even if I'm damned." Bella's eyes furrow when she hears the last word, she would never think that any of them were damned especially not Natalia who was the epitome of good.

"Damned? Like Hell?" Natalia looks up into Bella's eyes smiling lightly.

"Natalia you can't be damned, you can't it's impossible." Natalia laughs lightly but you can hear the pain behind it. She takes out the scissors and cuts the thread to bandage her arm.

"Thank you, Bella, you've been always very gracious about us. But on all the other accounts though, we are damned. But I hope, maybe foolishly I'll get some measure of forgiveness for trying." Bella looked from her arm and  Natalia with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Do they all think like this?" Natalis sighs knowing her question was mainly directed at Edward.

"Edward.. doesn't believe there is any God for our kind. He believes this is our afterlife in exchange for this... limited immortality, we've lost our souls." Bella stares at the girl in front of her with clear shock apparent on her face that they would believe in such a thing. It wasn't easy for Natalia to say it either. She also believed this.

"So that's it? That's why he won't change me." Natalia looked up at Bella with a raised eyebrow as she lit a piece of stick on fire of a candle.

"Imagine if the situation was in reverse. If you believed in what Edward does, would you take away his soul?" Natalia throws the stick into the metal container that had Bella's blood-covered cloth and watches the fire burn it.


The Cullen's have been waiting for Edward to come back from Bella's house. The whole house was tense from what happened a little over an hour ago. Jasper was holding a pang of strong guilt inside him knowing perfectly well what would have happened if they didn't hold him back and that scared him. The rest were tense because of how close it got to nearly having Bella bitten, they didn't blame Jasper for what happened of course. While Edward blamed himself for what happened, he knew she wouldn't have been placed in this situation if she wasn't with him. If she had a normal boyfriend she wouldn't have been at risk of nearly dying at her own birthday party.

The sound of the front door being slammed closed echoed through the house telling the family that Edward had finally arrived back. He was in the lounge area in just a couple of seconds. It was evident to the family that he was angry, furious even. Natalia hasn't seen him this way since Bella got bitten by James. Natalia walked over to her brother with a sad smile trying to make him feel better.

"Look, Edward, I know what happened to Bella could have ended badly...but it didn't. Everything is going to be alright-" She was cut off by Edward's voice which came out harsher than he intended.

"It isn't going to be fine! If I was a normal boyfriend she would never have been in this situation in the first place!" 

Alice walked up closer to the two. "But Edward you are not a normal boyfriend and you will never be. You have to understand that. Bella chose to be with you, she knew what she was getting into." Edward's fists clenched as he closed his eyes.

"No." Rosalie raised an eyebrow not really understanding what Edward meant by no.

"No?" Edward shook his head and looked back at his family.

"No. She is not going into this. The best for her will be if we leave and she never sees us ever again." Everyone's eyes widened shocked by what Edward said. No one expected this from him, he cared so much for the human girl that him coming up with such a solution was just unexpected. Natalia's brows furrowed as he stared at her brother.

"What do you mean to leave her? The last time you left she searched for you every time she saw our cars and you weren't even together back then. Do you know how much pain you two will go through? I will tell you, Edward, a lot. It's going to be the biggest pain you have ever felt in your life. It will feel like your heart is being ripped out of your chest and stepped on." Edward looked his sister in the eyes sadly and so did Jasper. The two knew the best how much a broken heart could hurt because of their abilities. 

Edward let out a breath sighing. "I know... but that's the only way to keep her safe from me. It's her only chance at a normal life." Natalia looked at her brother with a broken look. She didn't like this idea one bit, she might not have been as close to Bella as Edward and Alice but she knew that both her brother and Bella were about to go through a very hard time.

Natalia smiled at her brother sadly. "Do as you think best Edward but don't say I didn't warn you."

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