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Natalia and Jasper waited for Bella and Edward to arrive in the forest so they could meet up with Jacob. It was decided that Edward would stay out of the battle with Bella because it was the safest for the two of them. As the group of vampires and Bella got to the open field they were straight away met with Jacob throwing comments at Edward.

"So you're not fighting? Did you pull a muscle or something?" Jacob's comment made Natalia smile lightly while rolling her eyes as she stood between Jasper and Edward.

"He's doing it for me, okay?" Bella said defensively causing Natalia to look over at Jacob with a raised eyebrow when he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Just tell me the plan." When Jacob said this Jasper looked over at the shapeshifter with his hands behind his back.

"This field will give us an advantage in battle. We need to lure the newborns with Bella's scent. But it needs to end here."

"Edward and I are going to a campsite. Even if he carries me, they'll still pick up on our scents." Bella continued on for Jasper

"Your scent, however, is revolting." Edward's unnecessary comment made Natalia look up at him with a crossed look and nudged him with her elbow.

"Dude, you really don't wanna start comparing stinks." Natalia rolls her eyes at the pair's bickering and looks over at Jacob with a gentle smile.

"What my brother meant to say was that your scent will mask Bella's if you carry her." Jacob looks over at the shorter blonde nodding right away.

"Done." Edward looked over at Jasper and Natalia with a not-so-sure look at his whole situation.

"This is not a good idea." Natalia looked up at her brother.

"Edward please, we talked about this. They won't want to get anywhere near a werewolf's scent. It's the safest way." Edward looked down at his sister with a pained look, he knew she was right but he was still uncomfortable with this whole situation. Seeing the stare between Natalia and Edward Bella walks forward to Jacob wanting to get this done.

"Okay let's just try it." Jacob picks up Bella bride style.

"Eau de wolf comin' up."

"Run." Without waiting for another word from Edward Jacob runs off with Bella in his arms in the direction of the woods. Natalia looks up at Edward with an eye-roll.

"Don't worry, it will work. Now if you excuse me I need to give Bella an alibi for the fight." Edward looks down at his sister and shows her a small smile as she runs away disappearing into the trees.


Natalia stood in front of Bella's house fixing her coat. She lifted her right hand and gently knocked on the door. She waited a couple of seconds before Charlie Swan, Bella's father opened the door. The blonde smiled sweetly at the man.

"Good evening Mr. Swan, I hope I'm not interrupting." Charlie looked down at the blonde girl slightly confused as to why she was here but smiled lightly.

"No, no it's fine you're not interrupting..." Natalia's eyes widened when she realized she hadn't introduced herself yet.

"Oh I'm sorry, my name is Natalia Cullen I'm a friend of Bella's and Edward's twin sister." Charlie looked slightly shocked by the answer, not because she was Dr Cullen's daughter or Bella's friend but because she was Edward's twin sister. Sure the girl was just as pale and inhumanly beautiful as him but they didn't look much alike. There was also the fact that the blonde girl had a British accent, it was gentle and silky but still noticeable.

Charlie smiles slightly "Ah yes what can I do for you? Bella isn't here if you came to see her." Natalia shakes her head while smiling gently.

"No, I came here to ask you something. My family is going away for camping but I'm staying behind and I just wanted to ask you if it was okay with you if Bella spent a sleepover at my house." Charlie raises an eyebrow but nods smiling. It would be nice if Bella spent some time with someone else than Edward even if that someone was his sister.

"Sure I don't mind." Natalia's eyes traveled to behind Charlie and she noticed fishing rods.

"Oh, do you like fishing Mr. Swan? This season is the best for salmon and steelhead." Charlie's eyes widened shocked, he didn't expect her to be interested in fishing.

"You fish?" Natalia nodded smiling.

"Oh yes most definitely, I sometimes go with my brothers. Last spring was my first time out to the Olympic Peninsula fishing for steelies and it was an interesting experience." Charlie laughed lightly as if he was remembering a moment from the past.

"Yes, it's a very enjoyable place to fish which isn't very often anymore. But I am going fishing tomorrow anyway." Natalia nodded smiling.

"Well, it depends on who you go with Mr. Swan." He waved off the girl smiling.

"Please just call me Charlie, you know you should visit Bella more often." Natalia laughed when she realized that Charlie liked her much more than Edward.

"I sure will, I'll see you later Charlie." He closed the door and as the girl was walking down the steps she was met by an amused Bella.

"Your alibi for the battle is all arranged." Bella looks shocked at the girl but also relieved.


"I told your father that our whole family's going camping this weekend, so you and I are having a sleepover at my house. Charlie's going fishing anyway." Bella raises an eyebrow when the girl called her father by his first name.

"Charlie? You guys are on a first-name basis now?" Natalia shrugged showing an innocent smile.

"Your father just happens to like me, Bella and actually, you and Edward will have the house to yourself tonight." Bella froze when she heard those words come out of the blonde's mouth.

"Like alone?" Natalia frowned nodding her head.

"We're all going hunting. Powering up for the battle. And of course, taking in mind that Edward never gets tired will come in handy tonight." Bella's cheeks flushed at the girl's comment and her eyes widened. Bella cleared her throat before speaking up again.

"What?" Laughing lightly Natalia rolled her eyes.

"He'll be able to make sure you're safe when you're asleep Bella." Nodding her head Bella smiled lightly.

"Yeah, right right." A small grin appeared on Natalia's face as she started to move towards her car.

"My, my Bella, you sure have a dirty mind." The brunette's cheeks again flushed a deep red as the blonde vampire got into her car driving off home.

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