Trouble With Bella?

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March 18th, 2006 

After coming back to her family Natalia realized just how much she missed them. She missed their daily routines, Alice's happy voice, Rosalie's and Edwards bickering and Emmett and Jasper shouting from playing games.

When the blonde came back she was informed that Rosalie and Emmett were gone on their honeymoon. The couple was already married of course but Rosalie liked the attention on her. They had so many weddings that Natalia can't remember the exact number. Each and everyone was even more beautiful than the other even though it seemed impossible.

This left Alice, Jasper, Carlisle, Esme, and Natalia alone in their house while Edward was gone who knows where while Rosalie and Emmett were having some alone time.

At least when Natalia was gone she would tell them where she was going, Edward only called to check up on them and show he was still functioning.

The boy would more often call Natalia, every call he made the blonde knew he was only on the verge of existence. His voice was monotone and broken. Every time she heard Edward speak she would wonder how Bella was doing. She knew that the human girl was definitely taking this separation with difficulty. Sometimes she would think about going to Forks just to make sure she was okay but she knew if Edward found out she would never hear the end of it.

At this moment Natalia was sitting in the lounge area with Jasper and Alice. The blonde was doodling on her sketchbook while Jasper was reading a book and Alice was watering the plants.

The silence is broken when the sound of something falling is heard. Natalia turns her head towards Alice to see Jasper already beside his mate with a concerned look.

"What is it, Alice?" The pixie-haired girl blinks a couple of times coming out of her vision.

"It's Bella." There is a moment of silence. Alice looks between Jasper and Natalia with a petrified look.

"She-she's dead." Jasper's and Natalia's eyes widen shocked by the words that came out of Alice's mouth.

Natalia stood up shaking her head walking towards Alice."No that's impossible, you must have seen something wrong." 

Alice looks at her sister with a confused expression. She knew what she saw, she wished she didn't but she did. "I know what I saw Natalia, It was Bella...she was in the water...She wasn't moving. She jumped off a cliff." Natalia thought it over trying to come up with a logical reason why Bella would be still okay. She needed to be okay.

"She might have been saved, someone might have rescued her but you just didn't see it." Alice looked at Natalia with an uneasy look while Jasper hugged her from the side. She wanted to believe what she was saying. She really wanted Bella to be alright, the two had really grown close like sisters over the months of knowing each other.

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