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So here I was. Sitting here like a complete idiot. I mean how could I not have known? He's one of the most popular guys in the school, he was bound to find someone else.

"Kennadi?" someone called from behind me. My mind said to turn around, but I was too pre-occupied with the new fact that had dawned on me. "Kennadi?" They called again. "Hey, are you okay?" Their hand softly touched my shoulder as they attempted to tear my attention from the only thing I had cared about for what seemed like years.

"Yeah, I'm... Fine" I finally responded. I dried my blurred, slightly teared up eyes, and realized who had been trying so hard to grip my attention.

"No you're not, what's wrong love?" My friend Drew asked as she wiped a tear from the apple on my cheek. I just shook my head. She pulled me into a warm, body-engulfing hug. "It'll be okay." She whispered as I softly sobbed and buried my face closer to her neck. I didn't want anyone to see me crying.

"Hey is sh-" someone started, but Drew just shooed them away and nodded.

"Are you taking the bus home?" She asked, keeping her tone gentle to better comfort me. I nodded. "Do you want me to drive you instead?" I nodded again.

"Hey, look at me." She said, still speaking in her gentle tone. And I did, removing my tear-covered face from her neck. "It's gonna be okay." She told me, scanning my face to see if her words phased me at all.

"Okay." I mustered up with my croaky voice.

"Let's get going, come on." She took my hand in hers, like we usually did. But instead of the goofy selves we were, we casually walked out to the front of the school and to her car. The autumn chill bit at my exposed ankles and neck as I waited for her to unlock her car.

"Can we stop to get some coffee please?" I asked, the slight breeze still biting at my vulnerable skin.

"Of course yeah, is Greenbriar's okay?" She asked waiting for my approval. I nodded. "Awesome" she responded, and unlocked car. I hopped in the car and quickly closed the door, hoping it would stop the chill from getting to me.

The sky was covered in a dense blanket of clouds, solid slate grey, with no blue to be seen. Burgundy, burnt orange, and golden leaves litter the sky as the wind picks them up and sweeps them away.

"-and then I told her I couldn't, you know?" I looked at Drew wide-eyed, I had no clue what she was talking about. She glanced at me, "I told her I couldn't go to her party...?" She said "reminding" me of what she said.

"Oh," I started, "well when was it?"

"It's this Saturday." I looked forward, processing. Who was it that had a party this weekend? I remember someone asking me to go.

"Ohhh. Harper Brawning? She asked me to go too, but I don't know if I can."

"Yeah, why don't you think you can go?"

"Family trip." I lied. I was supposed to be going out on a date, but those plans were recently cancelled.

"Oh dang, yeah. I don't think I can go because my sister is having her baby and we're going up to visit her and the baby." I aw'ed as we pulled up to the coffee shop, and she continued to tell be the baby's name was going to be Brielle.

We entered the shop and walked up to the counter.

"Hi my name's Landon, what can I get for you today?" I glanced up to see a brown-haired guy with jade green eyes, and suddenly because extremely self-conscious.

"Uhm, Drew, I'll be right back." I quickly blurted.

"Okay, do you want me to order for you?" She asked, slight concern underlying as she examined my face.

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