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I was running as fast as I could, out of breath, and my heels pounding into the solid paved road under me. Sirens roared behind be as the red and blue lights began to flicker and beam all around me.

"Stop running and hold your hands where we can see them." A monotone voice called out. But I kept going, kept driving my feet further and further. There was nowhere to hide. No backyards, no sheds or garages. Not even a small forest in sight.

Do I keep running? Or give myself over to the one thing I'd tried so hard to hide from?

Rocks dug into my soles as I slowed my pace, coming to a complete stop. I slowly turned and faced what I'd been hiding from for weeks at a time, the flashing lights from the car blinding me as I did.

This was it. This was how Arielle Turner died.

The loud snap from the gun startled me, fear and anxiety jolting through my warm, lively body before it would become so cold and lifeless.

The pain, sent piercing through my chest, became duller and duller. The blood falling to the ground and staining my hands as I reached to check my wound.

More sirens and brighter lights appeared as I realized there was no blood. No wound. No cars.

"Arielle? Arielle wake up!" A voice shouted out as I opened my heavy eyelids and turned off my alarm clock.

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