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Oh come on Jaz live a little whines Cassandra. Oh did I tell you about Cassandra. She’s my childhood friend and I call her Cassie for short. Cassie and I met in a supermarket where we both went to get our guilty pleasure coco pops and Haagan Daz ice-cream. That was until we realised there was only 1 left. We got in argument of who saw it first and who should get it therefore. After arguing for what seemed years we decided I get the ice-cream and her cereal. That was until we turned to see they were both gone! Panicking we looked everywhere and ended up crashing into each other. That was the start of our friendship. It happened as such Cassie’s dad was doing a new business project with my dad. So when Cassie came over with her dad we started to hang out often and became friends.

“Earth to Jasmine where are you lost” says Cassie waving her hand in front of my eyes. Smiling I say “I was just remembering how we met” , Cassie smiles “Yeah that was pretty funny, if only we had grabbed the items before arguing, we still would have had them”. “Er no I say – we wouldn’t have them as they would have been eaten”.

“Anyways you need to go as I have work to do” I say to her. She frowns “Yeah you’re always working - either your job or raising money to open your charity. Which surprises me – your father is a business tycoon – c’mon the guys features on the front page, of every business magazine”. Yet his only daughters doesn’t want to use his money to open a charity!” she states frustratingly.
Cassie and I always have a argument on this and my reasoning is always the same. “Yeah Cassie I know if I asked father he would give me the money instantly. But that won’t make me happy. I want to open this charity from my hard earned money not daddy’s”.
She glares at me “Yeah you’ve always been the assiduous type”. But if I had a man like your father willing to give me all that money I’d take it in an instant”.

I shake my head another thing you should know about Cassie –she’s totally opposite of me in looks and personality. While I’m a brunette and curvy, Cassie is tall, slim and blonde – with gorgeous blue eyes; while mine are a chocolate brown.
Cassie has always been like this, where I enjoy earning things with my own money. Cassie enjoys living the life of a spoilt heiress. If she saw something I have she would want it too. So daddy always got two of what he got me – one for her and one for me.

“Why do you say that – you know daddy sees you as a daughter too” I say, coming out of my reverie before she gets further angry. She scoffs lightly “I don’t want him as a daddy” she murmurs. I look at her sharply. “Sugar daddy sounds good” – she smirks. “Relax I was only kidding but I gotta admit your mum is one lucky woman”. I smile “Yeah she is”. Daddy at 45 still looks like he’s 20.

Anyways she says pulling me up – we are going out to that new shopping mall wehther you like it or not and afterwards to that 5 star restaurant I’ve been salivating to go to. I laugh at her “Alright but my treat”. She smiles “Yeah sure wouldn’t have it any other way”

I close down my computer and lock the doors of my office. Popping into say a quick bye to boss we head downstairs to the car park. When we get in the car she puts on “Chasing the Sun”. Frowning at her “Cassie how many times have I told you put your seatbelt on”. She smirks “Live a little grandma Jaz” she says but does as I say. As we arrive at the mall I see its packed. There’s hardly any space to park my car. “Cassie you go in and I’ll come after I find a parking space” I tell her, she nods her head in affirmation. After driving around in circles I finally see a space. As I go to park the car I see someone’s parked their car haphazardly – great how am I supposed to park my car. Getting out of the car I knock lightly on the window of the car opposite to me. The man rolls down his window – ugh men couldn’t he bother getting out. Bending down “Sir could you please park your car properly I need to park my car too”. He takes his shades off, gets out of the car silently and locks it. I step back and he advances, my back hits another car and I stop. Suddenly it becomes a game of cat and mouse. I refuse to look back. He smirks. Bending his head to my level he puts both his arms around my head – entrapping me. “Listen darling if you don’t know how to drive properly it’s not my fault, how did you even get a license”. He has an accent maybe British is the first thought that enters my mind. Shaking my head mentally I tried to speak but nothing comes out. Smirking he walks off. Great now I’m stuck with finding a new parking space.

Guess my luck isn’t that bad after all I grin as I see he’s left his car keys in the car. Not letting myself chicken out I quickly get in his car. I don’t know much about cars but seeing the interior I did know it was a expensive car. This guy seems loaded I thought as I carefully reversed his car. Getting out and getting back into my car I park it where his was. Getting back into his car I park it where mine was with the butt sticking out. Laughing I imagine his angry face and leave the car keys where I found them.

Walking into the mall I see Cassie waiting impatiently. “What on Earth took you so long” she screeches. I wince “Sorry there was no parking space”. “Whatever” she huffs as she walks in.

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