Chapter 1 Closeness

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Image above is how I imagine Thumbiko

Lato- fictitious herb for nausea

Thumbiko thoo(th in thyme)-mbee(mb in combine)-kol


I came to Tamika's hut purposefully late. I did not want to watch her and Panji bid each other farewell. No, I no longer disliked Panji. We had put that enmity that sprouted out of my protectiveness of my little sister and him being her gruff mate, behind us. Tamika, being Tamika, was late. I waited for her to pack. Panji's face was in a scowl. His shoulders were taut. I understood why he was parting with his pregnant mate.

"You took the lato for your nausea?" Panji asked.

"Of course," Mika retorted with a smile.

Panji carried Mika's satchel out of their hut. I followed behind them. As soon as he stopped walking, I glanced down at the ground knowing what was coming. Oh how I wish I had a mate. I glanced up thinking it was over. Their kiss was still in progress. I ducked my eyes to the ground again. I had not wanted a soulmate till Panji met my little sister. He was my stern lieutenant. She, with all her bubbliness softened him. And he toughened her. I wanted their closeness. I heard Mika giggle. I looked up. Panji was closing the distance between their lips once more.

"We really should be going." I said.

Panji did not release Mika from his kiss.

She pulled away. "You heard Thumbi, I need to go."

Panji grunted.

Mika pecked his cheek. "I will miss you a lot."

Panji caressed her flat stomach. "Take care of both of you."

Mika nodded with a smile.

Panji turned to me. "Make sure she keeps her promise."

Panji was my boss, I was just a warrior and he was a lieutenant. We struggled to balance our relationship. I was his mate's big sister and he was my boss.

I nodded. "Of course."

Panji pulled Mika into his arms digging his head into the crook of her neck. "I will miss you so much it will hurt." He whispered. I rolled my eyes, if he did not want me to hear he should have said it via their mind-link.

Mika stroked his nape. "I will be back soon. And on the upside, your hut won't smell like vomit anymore."

Would I have this with someone? Would I completely let them in the way Panji had my little sister? Before Mika, Panji's only friend was Vizenge, a fellow warrior. Everyone else could not stand his gruff manner and fiery temper. Finally our trip started. Panji walked us to the river bank. There him and Mika did the kissing thing again. I growled that we had to start off. We got into the canoe. Mika kept turning to wave at her mate. He stood starring till we disappeared. We canoed till just before sunset. Mika insisted we stop. She said she was so tired. We had agreed to canoe till midnight so I was a little annoyed but I did not say anything. We found a cave and set up camp. After dinner of fish I had caught in the river, Mika sat rubbing her legs with mono.

"They ache so much." She complained. After finishing, she lay down. Being pregnant was hard. She vomited a lot during the day.

"Thumbi I lied to Panji." She whispered.


"The pregnancy." She said holding her still flat stomach.

My eyebrows scrunched together.

"I am pregnant with triplets."

"Mika! He thinks there is one cub in your tummy."

"He would not have let me go if he knew."

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