Chapter 9 Get away from her!

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Remember Chikulamayembe means queen or king.

Remember the ngoni/maviti attacked the tumbuka and took alot of their land when they (ngoni) migrated from their homeland.


Unathi had been having flashbacks often. Despite the smile on her face and the jokes on her tongue, I sensed the sadness in her soul. Sadness from memories of what the General had done to her. If I run into that man again, I would ensure his life ended.

"I miss my parents. My life was so simple when they were alive." She told me one time after a flashback. "We were happy. I was safe. Then they died. And I was forced to live with my aunt who saw me as a burden." I held her close. How was she so cheerful after seeing so much sorrow? "She is there one who made sure I was selected for Herangi."

She shed many tears as she told me this. I did not know what to say. I continued to rub her back till she calmed down.

I took Unathi near a river. I wanted lift her spirits through hunting. We had not made it down to the river outlet when fiery arrows surrounded us. Forming a circle around us. I pushed Unathi behind me. And spun around with canines bore out. Unathi's canines were also bore out. An arrow landed on my bicep and one on Unathi's bicep as well. My eyes involuntarily shut. When I opened them, I was on wood surrounded many humans and a few leopards. Unathi was beside me. A woman dressed in a large robe jumped onto the logs Unathi and were bound to. She leaned down and stroked Unathi's chin.

"Get away from her!" I growled trying to get out of the binds.

The woman threw her hands in the air and a circle of fire formed around the logs. She was a witch, I realised with horror. The witch danced making circles with her outstretched palms.

Her fingers pointed at my mate. "Pure."

Her eyes turned to me and her finger also pointed at me. "Pure."

A man with a blade jumped onto the log.

"Don't touch her!" I growled. My canines and claws extended. Another man with a blade approached me cautiously. My mate was also in half shift. The two men looked at the witch.

"Cut their binds." Her deep voice said. "If you kill the men before you, your death will be swift and certain."

The men did as they were told.

I drew my breath in and let my leopard subside. Unathi did the same. I turned to her, she turned to me immediately. "Are you okay?" We said at the same time.

We both nodded.

We were given a balm for our bruised wrists and legs. A meal was provided for us in what I learnt was the witch's hut. I scanned my environment many times in case something happened and we would have to jump and escape. I may have been drowsy but I could still fight.

"You can stop checking the exits." The witch said sitting on a stool in front of me and my mate.

"You just tried to burn us alive." I snarled.

She smiled. "True but there is a good explanation. Chikulamayembe Yawachi wanted to eradicate all humans in the Tumbuka tribe so only leopards would remain. So our tribe could be like the ngoni. He killed our males, then raped our women so they could have leopard children. I created an invisible force field to protect us. The ritual was to check if you mean us harm. I have seen that you do not."

Unathi nodded. I continued to watch the woman.

"Before you sleep I have something to share with you." The witch said. "I know you still seek your younger sister Mbanandi. She is alive. She is mated to an Isikhulu. She lives in the m'gogo village."

I did not what to say. I wanted to believe her. I did but she was a witch.

"I would not lie to you. When you are ready one of my men will take you and your mate there."

I nodded. "Thank you."

I was not comfortable travelling with a male guide. I wish she had given us a female guide. After she told me where Mbanandi was, I was excited but this excitement soon died. Instead guilt filled my heart. I had left her. I had left her and mother. Maybe she hated me. It had been so long. This guilt and sleeping apart from my mate for the first night since I met her, kept me up for most of the night. The next day I was in a bad mood. I was tired and I kept thinking of Mbanandi. The extroverted male guide did not alleviate my sour mood.

Author's Note

How do you think Mwenecho and Mbanandi's reconciliation will go?

If any of you, is talented with words and willing to write an eye catching synopsis for this book, please do I will acknowledge you when I post.

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