| How you met |

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He opened the door expecting Gemma or Tara to come watch him but ended up seeing a very pretty girl. "Sweetheart, I think you got the wrong house." He tells you, smirking while looking down at your chest. "You don't have a kid named Abel Jax?" You ask saying his name since Gemma told you earlier on the phone. "How did you know-" "Gemma." And that was all that needed to be said. "Okay well um, Abel's in his room that's on the end of the hall way. Just call the number on the table labeled SAMCRO." He told you pointing to the kitchen. "Okay." You said setting down your things. "Kid's just sleeping right now, should wake up soon though." He says leaving.  



You lied on the side of the road, your shirt torn in half and your pants by your ankles. Blood was running down the side of your leg and tears stained your cheeks. You heard the roar of a motorcycle down the road but didn't bother moving away from the side of it. The headlight came into view and you heard the machine turn off. A man with a faux-hawk and head tattoos picked you up, pulling the pants completely off. He carried you bridal style and called a man named Clay. Soon, a truck pulled up and he put you in the back getting in with you. You were unconsious for most of it but woke up every now and then. You opened your eyes to see a bright light and hand holding yours. You look over and see the head tattoo man holding your hand while sleeping. You squeeze it trying to wake him up. He opens his eyes and hugs you tightly whispering "I'll never let anything like that happen to you every again."


You parked your vehicle by the man guiding you in. You hop out of the rusting metal chunk you were in, "She could use an oil change." You say to the same man. "I'll get half-sack to do it for you miss." He said walking away." A different man came up and started on your oil change, not even realizing you were there. He looked up when he heard your shallow breaths. "Oh, um you can go if you want. Just leave your phone number so I can call you when it's done." He continued to work quick after that. "What if I want to stay here?" You ask him. "I'm new in town. Not much to go to without getting lost." You tell the man named Half-Sack. "Oh, well um, welcome to the neighborhood." He says smiling. "Thanks." You say back, knowing that this man with the strange name was gonna be a good friend.


You were walking into the club named SAMCRO with Gemma, one your new bosses. "Right there is the bar you'll be working at." She pointed to the mini bar set up in the main space of the motorcycle club. You walk over to it while Gemma explains what everyone usually orders. "Juice is usually just a beer, so is Jax, and Happy, and Opie, and Tig, basically everyone in the club is just a beer. Theres gonna be crow eaters all over this party so don't serve them anything if you don't like them." She explains more. You zone out after that to see an older man walk in to the club. He had black hair and a Sons of Anarchy vest on. You couldn't help but stare. He looks at you  when Juice hits his shoulder and points in your direction. He walks up and leans against the counter. "Hey hot stuff, I'm Tig. And who might you be?" He asks you. "Y/N." You tell him. He was about to say something else when Gemma grabs your arm dragging you away from the man named Tig.


"Bye Hannah! Bye Zachary! Bye Susan!" You finished saying goodbye  to your students except for two kids. The Winston kids. "Ellie, Kenny, where's your dad? Shouldn't he be  here by now?" You ask the two children. "He probably has club business." Kenny says while his sister nods. You turn when you hear a motorcycle engine pulling up to the school parking lot. "Sorry I'm late. Hey kids." Opie says running up to you. "How do you expect to get two children home on a motorcycle?" You ask the tall man in front of you. "One in the back one in the front, me in the middle." He explains. "Oh." You say as you turn to walk away. You hear the motorcycle turn on again and hear it roar off into the sunset. 

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