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june 24, sunday [11:52am]

jimin: hello there

me: hey

jimin: how are you

me: tired

jimin: did you get enough sleep?

me: i'm at the dance studio practicing because i'm a sad uni student who has exams coming up in two weeks

jimin: awh cheer up

me: you're lucky you never have to do exams for your dancing ability

jimin: yeah i am

jimin: you suffer alone

me: excuse me


me: oh shut up you spoiled brat

jimin: sucks to suck

me: oof ouch

me: oh shiz

jimin: what

me: i forgot to leave my kitties food

jimin: yOu can't let thEm stArve

me: you care about them cats more than a human friend

jimin: i guess i do

me: i'll just ask my neighbour

me: and i'll be getting back to practicing

jimin: your poor neighbour is always taking care of your things for you

me: well she's the most convenient person to ask she literally lives right next to my apartment room

jimin: okay then have fun don't fail and hurt yourself

me: wow thanks


me: hey ryeowon

me: lee ryeowon

me: hello

me: answer me

ryeowon: what

me: way to greet a friend

me: were you still sleeping?

ryeowon: duh it's the weekend

me: well i need you to feed my cats i forgot to leave them food

ryeowon: you always forget to feed them before you leave the house

me: i'm sorry i am actually being productive and practicing for my exams while you were sleeping in till the afternoon

me: shouldn't you study as well

ryeowon: what do you think i was doing all night

ryeowon: it's why i've been sleeping in for so long

me: smh

me: anyway give them food i'm going to keep rehearsing

me: byee

ryeowon: i'm going back to sleep after so don't wake me

me: fine but feed them


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