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june 8, friday [11:19am]

jimin: hello

jimin: good mooorning

me: hello to you too

jimin: what you up to?

me: i'm waiting for my cousin at a bagel cafe

me: we're having brunch and then i'm gonna give her birthday present

jimin: tell me if she likes them

me: okay

me: i should ask what you are doing for once

me: are you up to anything?

jimin: we'll be performing soon we're just in the waiting room right now

jimin: you at least have listened to one of our songs since we started talking or else i will be disappointed

me: it's hard to avoid hearing your songs anywhere

me: i dance to music i know what songs go around i just never care to know the artists

jimin: good

jimin: you should cover our dance

me: i don't do hip hop

jimin: it's not really hip hop considering it's more of an emo song

me: edgy

jimin: i really think you'll show great dancing lines i remember that about you from high school

me: thanks i guess

jimin: :)

jimin: :)))))))

me: you're extra happy today

jimin: today is our last performance for our promotions of fake love

me: have fun

me: make it great

jimin: i will

me: my cousin is here now i gotta go

jimin: seee ya!

me: byee


me: hey she loved them

jimin: that's good

jimin: how was your day

me: i just cleaned the house and rested today after meeting with my cousin

me: how about you

jimin: same old performance day

jimin: do you live alone?

me: yeah with a cat

jimin: awww can i seeee

jimin: i love cats


jimin: is that a calico cat

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jimin: is that a calico cat

me: yeah

jimin: what a coincidence

me: huh?

jimin: you'll see if you listen to the lyrics of one of my solo songs

jimin: serendipity

me: okay give me a minute

me: oh haha

jimin: what's its name

me: nari

jimin: awe

me: do you have a pet?

jimin: i used to have a dog

jimin: his name was ddosun

me: i want a dog

me: but cats are easier

me: why won't you get a new dog?

jimin: i don't want to replace him

me: aw that's cute

jimin: i did something stupid today

me: what is it

jimin: i called jin hyung and asked him where my phone was

me: smart

me: very smart i've never been so proud of you

jimin: why am i like this

me: it's okay i sometimes search for my phone while it's in my pocket

me: i'm gonna take a shower now

me: and sleep if i can

jimin: how much sleep did you get last night

me: five hours?

jimin: go sleep!

jimin: sleep is important

me: okay i will

me: goodnight

jimin: sleep well

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