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july 1, sunday [5:37pm]

jimin: it's the moment you've been waiting for

jimin: your hero is back in korea

me: my hero

jimin: guess who's bored

jimin: me

jimin: i'm bored

me: hi bored

jimin: gimme attention

me: you're so annoying

jimin: but i'm still the best

me: doesn't make you less annoying

jimin: ouch

jimin: why must you bully me

me: oh lemme retry

me: i am very sorry here is your attention

me: now you are not bored

jimin: what are you doing

me: well i was going to go to the dance studio

me: but there was a power outage or something

me: so the building is closed

jimin: why don't you just go to another studio

me: well the studio i usually go to is the one i work at

me: so i can freely practice for as much as i want without booking it and such

me: my school's practice rooms are always full with other students

me: and i feel awkward just walking into a random studio

jimin: unfortunate

me: wow thanks i guess i'll just go back home

jimin: or you can use our studios

me: really

jimin: yeah we always use to practice and even the trainees come to practice as well

jimin: most of them are empty atm since it's a sunday evening

me: wouldn't i be not allowed tho

jimin: i'll just tell them so they don't kick you out

me: fine but i won't stay too long

jimin: okie i'm already here anyway since there was a meeting anyway

jimin: i'll be waiting just text me when you get here

me: okay but tell me where

jimin: *address*

me: okie see ya

jimin: see you soon


•third person perspective•

        walking towards the road of the street, miyeon hailed a taxi and told the driver the address. she watched the cars and buildings pass by out the window before she handed the driver some cash as she arrived at her destination.

she looked up at the big square building and walked in through the main entrance doors. she took out her phone and texted jimin she arrived then awkwardly stood in the main lobby waiting.

"miyeon!" she heard someone call as the elevator doors opened and saw jimin jogging towards her.

"hey, i didn't take too long did i?" she asked, worried she made him wait too long as they walked into the elevator.

"i don't know, probably about twenty-five minutes? it's okay though, i was practicing anyway," he told her as the elevator made its way up to the floor he selected.

the elevator dinged as it reached the floor and they stepped off as jimin lead the way to the practice rooms.

passing a couple of doors to recording and practice rooms, we were stopped by a tall, buff man as he asked, "who's this?"

        "she's a friend. she's going to practice in one of the rooms," he informed as the manager nodded and continued walking.

        jimin lead the way to the third door from the end of the hallway and into the practice room. "here is the room of wonders where all my practices and rehearsals are done,"

miyeon walked in and set her bag down on the small couch in the corner as her eyes roamed the brightly lit room with white walls and floor. "so... i just practice now?"

"yeah sure," jimin shrugged as he tossed himself onto the cough. "what style?"

"contemporary," miyeon replied as she flipped her hair over to tie it in a ponytail.

"great! i've dabbled in some contemporary. i'll give corrections," jimin happily offered as the two made their way to the middle of the room to begin warming up.

miyeon and jimin happily spent the rest of the evening with smiles on their faces practicing and showing each other some dances as they fooled around.


hoseok: hey

me: hi

hoseok: wyd?

me: i just got washed up from practicing

hoseok: with jimin?

me: yeah

hoseok: i have a question

me: yes?

hoseok: what do you think of jimin?

me: huh

me: why ask out of the blue

hoseok: what do you mean

hoseok: well you two have been texting a lot

hoseok: for a long time

me: and?

hoseok: okay i'm just going to say it

hoseok: i kinda ship you two

me: ...oh?

hoseok: am i being annoying?

me: no of course not

me: you just caught me off guard

hoseok: soooo

hoseok: is this relationship platonic? would you ever have a crush on him? idk

me: honestly idk

hoseok: huh

hoseok: here let me put it like this;

hoseok: if he ever asked you out, what would you say?

me: sure

me: i don't see why not

hoseok: ahh okay

hoseok: jimin can get... shy sometimes

me: interesting

hoseok: have a good night!!

me: goodnight

i sincerely apologize for this very very very very late update:(

i didn't think procrastination could get this bad but school and dance has been very hectic lately (and your girl might be this close to failing chem)

i hope i could get my act together during winter break cuz tomorrow is the last day of school before the break:)

anyway thanks so much for reading and have a merry christmas!!

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