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Beep! Beep!
Laf's alarm clock got smacked! "Ow," Laf rubbed his hand when he realized, he can go to Hercules' school. Lafayette smiled, got up and looked over his desk. He saw a paper. He went see what the paper said. "The rules," Lafayette read the whole paper. "ah-ha..the dress code," He read it all and looked at his closet to pick a right outfit for the cold weather.

the dress code," He read it all and looked at his closet to pick a right outfit for the cold weather

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(Without purse, watch and has Adidas)
Lafayette looked at the mirror and liked his pick. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and use it. After that, he went downstairs. He saw his dad at the couch sleeping, late for work I guess...and his mother at the kitchen cooking. "You look cute," she smiled, while looking at Laf. Laf smiled at her compliment. "Thanks," Laf went to go out the house. He had the paper with him, looking at the address. "I'm telling my mom.." He went back inside to tell something to his mother. "Hey...can you drive to school?" Lafayette looked up and saw his mother smiling. They went to the car and drove to the school. "Here it is!" Pointing at the school. "Are you sure?" Laf was nervous, looking around the school. After scanning the school, he saw his friend, Hercules.  "It is!" He opened the door and waved to his mother goodbye. Lafayette looked at Herc and was shaking. Hercules saw Lafayette. "LAFAYETTE," Hercules ran towards laf.  Lafayette went faster and Herc hugged him, causing Laf to fly. Lafayette was giggling. "I'm glad you didn't lie," hercules looked down to see Lafayette. "What makes you say that?"  Lafayette questioned while smiling. "I don't know....but I'm glad I'm able see you" Hercules hugged Lafayette once again. "Hey, you don't mind if I introduce you to my friends, or squad" Hercules was looking back. Lafayette nodded.

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