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After the incident, Lafayette wanted to go to the school already. Lafayette was safe with his new friends, and his best friend...
Lafayette got up and got dressed up.

(But has long sleeves, to cover the bruises

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(But has long sleeves, to cover the bruises.) Lafayette haven't wore black in a long time. He looked at the mirror. Under his eyes is black. Under his sleeves, bruises. Lafayette went downstairs and saw his parents. He ignored them and went outside. "I'm coming friends.." Lafayette smiled and walked to his school. 10 minutes, Lafayette saw the Hamilsquad. "Its lafayette!" Hercules ran to Lafayette to hug Lafayette. "I'm joining," John grabbed Alexander's arm and joined the hug. Lafayette was smiling but didn't blush. That's weird. "You changed your style, I like it," Hercules pulled on Lafayette's sleeve.  Alex saw a bruise on Lafayette's arm. Is he okay? Alexander thought but smiled. "Okay, let's go," Alexander lead the squad inside the school. "HAHAHA," Lafayette heard a laugh that sounded like Thomas. "Well, hello idiots," Thomas looked down to see Lafayette. "Hello cutie, you changed alot," Thomas once again poked Lafayette's nose. Stop touching him...
Alexander thought while ready to have a fight. "Oh, didn't see you idio-" Lafayette got pushed back and saw Alexander beating up Thomas. "Father.." Lafayette whispered but no one heard. "WOWOWOW, EVERYONE STOP," George Washington pushed them both aside. "Everyone who had been in this situation, will be at my office," George looked at everyone and gave everyone a pass to the office.
After classes, the Hamilsquad went to the office. "I didn't have anything to do with this," Lafayette looked at Alexander. "Its okay, your stuck with us," Alexander hugged Lafayette, which was interrupted by Thomas slamming open the door. "What's up Fu-" Thomas was about to say a bad word, but he saw Lafayette. "Why do you have my phone?" Alexander look triggered. "Frudge you, that's why!" Thomas threw Alexander's phone to him. A couple of minutes, Lafayette felt sleepy. "Did you get enough sleep?" John looked at Lafayette. "Non..." Lafayette was about to sleep. Lafayette was thinking about his father. Until, he fell asleep on Thomas' shoulder. "How adorable," Thomas looked at Lafayette. "Give him to me," Alexander pulled Lafayette closer, which caused Lafayette to wake up. "Alright people, let's hear you stories," George opened the door and sat down his chair. George Washington looked at Thomas.  He pointed at Thomas. "You," George knew Thomas' stories. He liked them. "SO, I went up to see the new kid, Lafayette, until these people kept keeping him away from me-" Thoms got interrupted by Alexander. "THAT'S NO TRUE, You wanted to see us and Lafayette, so you can just flirt with him!" Alexander growled. "YOU FLIRTED WITH HIM YESTERDAY!" John looked so triggered by the lie Thomas made. "That's enough, so my question is, Lafayette was between this problem?" George looked at Lafayette. "This school is supposed to make new students safe, and happy, you guys failed," George looked at everyone. "Sir, I'm already feel safe and happy near my friends," Lafayette looked at George and his friends. "Ah, so you don't think they failed their job?" George looked at Lafayette who nodded. "Dismissed," George sighed and pointed at the door. The squad went to door and went to their lockers. "UGH, people can't close the door....Thomas," George looked at Thomas. "Close the door on your way out," George looked at his paper work.

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