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"Is everybody here?" Hercules and his friends were in his car, nodding. "Good," Hercules started to drive.
"HERE WE ARE GUYS," John and Hercules got out. They opened the other doors. Lafayette smiled when Hercules opened the door. "This is the houze?" Lafayette looked around. "Yep, I know it's ugly," Alexander tried to roast the house. "Not really, it's pretty," Lafayette smiled and looked at Alexander. They were walking to the house.
"eW..whO Is ThAt?" Charles Lee pointed at John. "Im not a mirror, Lee," John flipped off Lee. "WHaT!" Lee ran to Samuel. "SAMUEL, JoHn..." Charles hugged Samuel. "Not my fault," Samuel was reading a book. "Stop being a pain in the ass." King George rolled his eyes

"HI GUYS!" A girl named Peggy ran towards the squad. "Slow down!" Another girl running who was named Eliza was running. "Wow, who is this handsome man?" Peggy whispered to John. "He's the new member, Lafayette," Hercules said to the girls, who are known as, The schuyler sisters. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Lafayette," Angelica shaked his hand. "Your cute," Peggy winked at Lafayette, causing Alexander to hate Peggy. "Let's go inside," Angelica lead the squad inside. "U-UH," John covered Lafayette's eyes. "Dude, what kind of party is this!" Alexander hugged Lafayette. "What is it?" Lafayette wanted to see, but he was told not too. "COVER THE EARS TOO," John covered Lafayette's ears. They heard moaning and dancing. "WOW, I didn't know it was going to be this aggressive..." Eliza covered her eyes, peeking a bit. "Let's go some where that doesn't have this," Hercules lead them to somewhere that didn't have that. "Phew, peaceful," it didn't last. "Well, guess who decided to come?" Thomas looked at them until he Lafayette. "Hi there sweetheart," Thomas winked at Him. "Leave," Alexander wanted to start a fight. "Fine," Thomas left with James Madison. "Help-" James whispered but he coughed. "Be better soon," Lafayette waved at him. James smiled, mouthed the words, 'Thank you'.
SKIP (cause I'm lazy)
"Okay," Alexander looked around. "LAFAYETTE," Alexander ran to Lafayette, who was blindfolded. "Oh hi Alex, these people wanted me to be blindfolded!" Lafayette peeked from his blindfold. "Fudge..." Alexander had a freaking boner. (I just need to spice things up.) "What's wrong," Lafayette was so curious. "Nothing," Alexander looked down. "Don't get to freaky Alex," John smacked Alexander's back.

"Huh?" Lafayette took off the blindfold. "Nothing," Alexander shoved John. "SORRY," the person who John accidently shoved, was name, Aaron Burr. "U-um, I'm sorry, This person shoved me," John pointed at Alexander. "It's okay," John realized what he just talked to. "WAIT, AARON BURR," John pulled Hercules, Lafayette, and Alexander closer. "It's him," John pointed at Aaron. "Brah, we haven't seen you in a year!" Hercules hugged him. "Come back to our squad," Alexander nodded. "Oh yea, you haven't met the new member," Alexander pushed Lafayette at Burr. "What's your name, mine is Aaron Burr," Aaron nodded. "My name is, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette ," Lafayette smiled. "You can just call him Lafayette," John looked at Lafayette. "Well, let me tell you something Lafayette, I was in this squad before," Aaron made a smile. "Will you be in it again?" Lafayette looked up at Aaron. "Oui? Is that how you say it Alexander?" Aaron was making sure he said the word right. Alexander nodded. "Let's go ruin Thomas' party!" Hercules raised a water glass. "Drink that first," Aaron pointed at the water. "K," Hercules drank it. "Where do we go first," Alexander looked down at Lafayette. "Ruin the music," Lafayette looked around, trying to find where the music was playing. "There!" Lafayette ran to the music. "Good job Laf," John patted Lafayette's hair, making him giggled. "Nom," Lafayette but on the wire. You can see his very sharp teeth. "Damn, he has them sharp teeth," Aaron whispered. "I know, he will bite me if we had fun," Alexander winked. "BOI," Aaron slapped Alexander's shoulder. The music stopped, all that's left is people talking, no one didn't even know the music stopped. "What's next," Hercules looked at Lafayette. "Make a MESS," Lafayette growled. "Okay!" Lafayette started to jump at the couch making scratches and on the walls. "Jesus," Alexander started to make a bigger mess, so did John and Hercules. "Done!" Hercules made the biggest mess. "What's next?" Aaron whispered to Lafayette. "Umm...waste the food?" Lafayette kinda felt bad for Thomas. He made this party for everyone. He Secretly cleaned some. "Hey Laf, help us," John pushed Lafayette to the table. Lafayette started to eat some and became full. "Im full," Lafayette rubbed his tum-tum. "How?" Alexander asked. " can sleep on the couch, while we finish this," They all continued to eat. After 2 minutes, they were playing with the food. Lafayette started to fall asleep. The person who was next to him, was Alexander. Lafayette layed on Alexander. "He's laying on me," Alexander mouthed the words to John. "Keep him there," John replied.
"Alex?" Lafayette looked at Alexander.
"Yes?" Alexander looked down. "I love you," Alexander wanted to hear those words again. "I love you too," Alexander kissed Lafayette. "I want us to be boyfriends," Alexander smiled. Lafayette nodded. "I have another question..will you still have a sleepover?" Lafayette wanted them to stay.
Lord, how do I say no to this, "of course Laf"

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