Chapter 3

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Hailey's p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I turned it off as fast as I could decided to go on my phone. I have to get up at 6:30 everything morning. School starts at 9:00 but My bus stop is the first. It takes 45 minutes to get to school just because of that even if it is in the same city. Once I got up I made my bed and went into the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my hair. I decided to curl it so I grabbed my curling iron and began. That took me about half an hour. Once I finished my hair and makeup it was 7:00. I got dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast.

I grabbed 2 pieces of toast and put them in the toaster while making myself eggs

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I grabbed 2 pieces of toast and put them in the toaster while making myself eggs. When I was finished cooking and eating it was 7:15. I still have 55 minutes until the bus comes and I have to leave 5 minutes before to get to the bus stop. I fed Jasmine and took her on a walk for 15 minutes to kill some time. Now it was 7:45 and I have 20 minutes I realized that I forgot to pack my lunch. I opened the fridge pulling out things to make a sandwich. I then saw a plastic bag with a note on it. My dad knew I would forget so he made one for me. I put everything back in the fridge except for fruit. Once I put my fruit into a container I went to the pantry to get a snack. I chose goldfish crackers. Once my lunch was made I put it into my backpack. The last thing I had to do was fill up my water bottle. This fridge came with the apartment it has water and ice. I filled my water bottle and put it in the side off my bag. Once it was 8:05 I walked out of the door and made sure it was locked. Once I was at the bus stop there were a few other people. I saw the girl that I saw yesterday on my walk. The bus came and we all got on. I went to the back and sat down. When the bus started moving I was looking at all of the different places in town. I was tired at looking outside my window so I listened to music the entire way. When we arrived at the school I went to the office. There I was given a map, my locker number and my class schedule that I already knew about. I made my way down the hallway until I could find my locker. Once I opened it I put my  raincoat and backpack. I took my binder and notepad for geography, my pencil case, schedule, water bottle, phone and earbuds. The warning bell went off and I was completely lost. I looked at my map and was able to make it there in time. The teacher told me where to sit. When class started the teacher taught her lesson. She then gave us sheets of paper to fill out. The desk were just long and rectangular instead of singular square desk. I looked around the class at everyone. There was a cute guy but I wasn't paying enough attention at attendance to hear his name. We were told when were were done to hand our sheets back in. I was just starting on my second and class was about to end. I had no idea what she was talking about. When it was time to hand in our sheet she came up to me. I told her it wasn't done yet. She then said to me that it will be homework. When the bell rung I went to my locker and put everything away. If I am able to audition for glee club today that would be great. I asked someone where it was and they told me. Before walking away mumbled loser to me. I decided to ignore it. I saw the door and walked up to it. It was closed. I didn't want to interrupt the teacher. I decided to listen in on the conversation.

Will: Ok guys. Unfortunately Matt had to move away. I have been trying to find someone but no one wants to join. Without a 12th Member we can't even perform at Sectionals let alone Nationals.

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