Chapter 7, Act 1

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Yuri and Natsuki skipped out on school that following Wednesday. The two girls spent the time at Yuri's house, baking cupcakes and giggling about silly poems online. Eventually it became nighttime and the girls lay down for bed. As Yuri was leaving her bedroom, Natsuki softly called after her.

"Yuri? I, um, wanna go back to school tomorrow," Natsuki whispered, her voice slightly muffled from the pillows. Yuri's eyes widened in shock, remembering the events of Monday and Tuesday before smiling faintly. "If that's what you want." Yuri reluctantly accepted. Natsuki giggled quietly and melted into sleep. Yuri stared at the pink haired girl for a moment before closing the door behind her and walking to the living room.

Yuri sat on the recliner, opening the window beside it. She grabbed a pack of cigarettes under the recliner and lit one with a lighter she materialized out of thin air because she can. Yuri popped the cigarette into her mouth and took a drag. "Hmm. How strange that she wants to go back to school tomorrow. What could go wrong?"


The next morning the two girls hopped into Yuri's car and drove to their high school. They stayed silent throughout the drive. To be fair, they didn't have much to say. Natsuki tried to clear her mind of the events that happened only a few days ago. Instead she focused on the mirror in the car; the bruises were almost invisible, but purple blemishes kept lighting up her face every second she looked at it. She glanced away from the mirror.

Yuri pulled into one of the few empty parking spaces in the school parking lot and glanced at Natsuki. "Are you ready?" she whispered. Natsuki briefly nodded. The two exited the vehicle and walked into the high school, keeping close to each other as they entered the crowded halls. Eventually they had to separate due to class differences. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" Yuri asked Natsuki. She squatted to look at the smaller female, worry lacing her gaze.

"I'll be fine!" Natsuki tried to put a genuine smile on her face. Yuri still looked worried, but she didn't say anymore. Natsuki frowned, noticing Yuri squatting, "Hey! I'm not that short!!!" Yuri laughed and walked into her classroom, glancing at Natsuki one more time before disappearing from view.

Natsuki sighed heavily and started walking down the hall to her own class. She occasionally got pushed around, being one of the shortest kids in her grade, but she forced herself to ignore them. She felt her bruises ache each time someone's shoulder hit one of the purple blemishes.

Once she made it to her classroom Natsuki took a deep breath. I got this, she thought. I don't need Yuri. Just me, myself and I. And with that small once of determination, Natsuki disappeared into the classroom.


Classes eventually end for all of the girls. Sayori and Monika met up halfway to the clubroom and walked together, occasionally flirting and playfully booping each other on the nose. When they reached the classroom they spotted Yuri and Natsuki quietly chatting. Sayori ran over to join them while Monika walked over to a spare desk and spread out a few papers onto the surface.

"Hey, guys!" Sayori giggled. Natsuki looked up at the taller girl. "Hey." she muttered. Yuri smiled faintly at Sayori apologetically. "Where were you guys yesterday? I was lonely..." Sayori made a pouty face. The three could hear Monika giggle. "Ah. We were... sick, so we decided to stay at my house." Yuri made up a quick excuse. It wasn't a complete lie. Natsuki was technically sick. She still felt bad for lying to her younger clubmate. "Oh. Okay!" Of course Sayori bought it, Natsuki thought as the pink-haired girl skipped away.

Yuri and Natsuki made idle talk for a few more minutes until Monika cleared her throats. "Fellow club members! I have an announcement to make." Monika called from the front of the room. Sayori glanced up from her journal and joined her girlfriend at the front. Yuri and Natsuki approached as well.

"I have decided to include the literature club in the upcoming school festival." Monika looked pleased with herself. Natsuki's eyes widened in shock. "Are you serious? Why?" she demanded. Yuri almost had to held the petite girl back. "Because. I believe that this is a great opportunity to branch out, maybe even gain new members if we're lucky."

Monika's smile grew a little wider. "And instead of just doing boring old poems, I was thinking we could read about Japanese literature. You know, their culture and stuff." Sayori clapped her hands together excitedly. "Sounds fun!" she giggled.

Yuri seemed to be contemplating the idea, but Natsuki was shaking her head wildly. "No! We can't!" Natsuki struggled to keep from crying. Monika glanced at her before shrugging and beginning to talk with Sayori about poster designs. Yuri squatted down to meet Natsuki eye level. "Natsuki, I think it's a beautiful idea. At least try to consider it?" Yuri tried to reason with the small girl. Natsuki seemed to mildly calm down.

"I... I..." Natsuki stared at Yuri's face and finally broke. "Fine. But only if I get to bake cupcakes!" She glanced back at Monika, who nodded happily. "Alright then! It's settled! We have today and a few hours tomorrow to get ready for the festival. Let's grab some supplies." Sayori jumped up. "I'll go get some!" She dashed out of the clubroom. Monika sighed good-heartedly and followed her a bit more slowly.

Once the two were gone Yuri turned to Natsuki. "Um, Natsuki?" she whispered. Natsuki looked up from the list of cupcake flavors she was writing? "Yea?" she asked. Yuri looked extremely nervous as she cleared her throat. "Okay, I got this..." Yuri whispered under her breath. "The, um..."

"The real reason why I wanted you to come to the festival was because I wanted you to come with me!"

Natsuki's eyes widened. "Y-You a date?" Yuri nodded, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly. Natsuki sat there in silence for a moment, holding her head down before scrambling out of her seat and out of the clubroom. Yuri quickly followed.

Yuri eventually found Natsuki hiding under one of the desks in an empty classroom. The pink-haired girl was sobbing quietly. Yuri struggled to crouch beside her without making her skirt rise over her knees.

The two girls sat in silence for a few moments until Yuri finally spoke. "I'm guessing that's a no?" she murmured. Natsuki instantly looked up at Yuri, almost banging her head against the desk. "T-That's fine. I just assumed, after all of the time we spent together-" "No!" Yuri was cut off by Natsuki. "F-Fine! I'll go with you. B-But only because I want you to try my cupcakes!" she stuttered an excuse. Yuri smiled happily. "I'm glad."

Heyo! This is Solar, kasai's co-author! I just wanted to let you known that I wrote pretty much all of this chapter, excluding a few edits and revisions by kasai. In the next chapter everyone goes to the festival, and a lot of stuff goes down! So get ready for the end of act 1! ☆

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