~Part 1~

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~A year later~

I sighed as a small bikini was pressed to my nude body.

The cool metal from the hanger shoots through my body, but I don't shiver.

"I think the lilac looks better on her."

"You sure? The teal looked real good too."

"Mmm, yeah, why don't we just shoot both."


I zone out as the two women bicker, my mind in another world. I wondered how my sister was doing; what she was thinking, and if she missed her older sister.

"Put this on." Zanda says, and I nod, putting it on as quickly as possible.

The small pieces of fabric barely cover my glowing body, but I feel slightly less exposed.

They go to work on my beach curls, multiple different curlers and sprays being moved around my head.

I feel empty, almost like a Barbie doll.

But I technically was a Barbie doll, and everyone else was the children playing with that Barbie doll- dressing her, forcing her with someone, fixing her hair.

No one would ever let the Barbie go back into her comfortable package where she could be herself for once, because the package is broken and in the garbage.

They force my feet into flip flops and teased my hair to the side.

I looked into the mirror and knew I looked hot.

But it wasn't me. The real me wouldn't be exposed- ever, because the permanent markers already colored all over me, but they still played with me because it was fun to play with a Barbie- even if she had permanent marker all over her.

According to everyone, the real me was ugly and that's why they had to 'fix me' to make it all better.

About a million smiles and camera flashes later, I left the building in booty shorts and a crop top.

God forbid anyone saw you wearing sweatpants and a comfortable shirt.

I'm met by some paparazzi after being reminded by my boss that I had to be here tomorrow to submit my applications for 'Mrs. California'.

I got to my car with some help from security- I was stupid enough to park far away from the building and apparently the rule of paparazzi not being allowed to stand within 20 feet of the building didn't apply here.

I flash a fake smile at them before pulling the car door open and driving away.

I glanced at my CD compartment only to remind myself that it was empty because Josh had 'borrowed them'.

I should've known better than to trust my uncle.

I turned on the radio only to nearly barf at the cutesy, whiny, and bitchy pop music that was on nearly every station I turned on.

I jammed my finger onto the 'off button' and groaned.

Where could I go to get CDs?

The only place I could think of was Target, even though they had a shitty collection.

But it was better than nothing and if I was lucky I might be able to find a Green Day album.

I knew that I was going to get in trouble for this, because Target was for 'normal people'. It was like I was alien, which I basically was, fitting into society's definition of perfect.

I would have a day off of my break for this one, but I make a mental note that Target has some journals, and Annabelle, my little sister, had always wanted one.

I get out of the car, looking around for any paparazzi that might have followed my car before racing inside the store.

I walked straight to the CD section, head low. I felt some eyes looking at me, and I didn't blame them, because really? A model in Target? I was going to be killed for this.

I go straight to the back, only to bump into someone making a very fast narrow turn.

"Oh, sorry, wait." the boy says, his nose scrunching up as he probably recognized me.

I didn't blame them- I had a shit ton of rumors flying around about me, and quite frankly, none of them were true.

"Aren't you Wren Hassel?"

I nearly wince at the name. It wasn't my real one. My name was Polly Hassel, but Polly wasn't a model's name and I therefore had to get it changed.

"Yes." I say harshly, going straight past him to the CD section. I hated when people brought my "name" up, even though Polly wasn't the best name, it was still my name. Wren Hassel was a different girl. She was a slut, looking to become the next Miss. USA. Not a girl who got a life threatening job to save her sister's life and support her family. That was the true story, but it didn't buy you a front page cover.

"Well, you don't have to be so rude." he mutters and I turn to face the Target employee I bumped into.

"Why shouldn't I be? You're judging me." I snap, before finding a Green Day album. I nearly jump for joy because 21st century breakdown.

"It's a bit hard to do that when your on the front cover all the time." he says and I start debating whether or not to punch him.

"Well listen here-" I glanced at his name tag. "Herbert, news flash. No one knows shit about me."


"What the hell was that about?" Luke or "Oscar" asks and I simply shake my head.

"I have no clue." I say, watching the girl go up to the cash register.

"She's hot." Michael states as if that just answered everything.

I roll my eyes, chuckling.

Wren was leaving now, head low and trying to go unnoticed.

I nearly wanted to laugh at the irony of it- I mean, a model? In Target? I didn't even bother asking her to buy our album, I mean, not that I had anything against her but it's just ...weird.

She was drop dead gorgeous of course-without a single flaw- but that didn't effect me. She seemed pretty bitchy and short tempered if you asked me. Maybe I was judging her, but who wouldn't? All she seemed to care about was that stupid label of Miss. USA.

And that's a no from me.

I have some really gruesome stuff coming up so get ready :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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