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(Y/n) is just a normal soon-to-be high school girl. She has a very powerful, but also very deadly quirk. It is what she likes to call liquid manipulation, which is a more advanced version of Hydrokinesis. Her quirk allows her to control any kind of liquid that's within her reach. Be it from mercury to even the tiniest of water molecules that are in the air, though she can only do that when she's extremely focused. But it comes with a catch.

Her whole life she has been sought after by the Villain League because of one reason. The reason is that because she can also control blood and all bodily fluids. And because One For All and the League of Villains are after her, she and her family have become acquainted with All Might and a few other heroes as well. Though (Y/n) was left in the dark and didn't know what or why this was happening, but she just rolled with it.

When meeting all those heroes she met Endeavour and his son Todoroki. The two met at a young age and quickly became friends. Whenever Todoroki's father would 'discipline' him (Y/n) would always be there to comfort him.

But this was years ago, now was the day before (Y/n)'s first day at UA. She was very excited yet nervous to go. (Y/n) had gotten in on a recommendation (I forget what it's called sorry) and so did Todoroki. She was so excited for the next day that she decided to go on a run to release at her pent-up energy.

After 30 minutes of running, she felt exhausted and decided to rest on a patch of grass nearby. The (h/c)-net laid down on the freshly cut grass. Using the MP3 player she carried with she played (f/s), and as she listened to it she could feel herself drifting asleep until she finally passed out.

???'s POV

  I can't wait to go to UA tomorrow, it'll be so manly! I thought to myself as I thought about what might happen the next day. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw a beautiful girl with luscious (h/c) and clear (s/c) skin. The girl looked as if she was asleep, so I walked over to her to see if she was alright. The closer I got the more beautiful she became. In her sleep, she looked so peaceful, so angelic, that I almost didn't want to wake her up. So I shook her shoulder a little bit and she started to stir in her sleep.

(Y/ n)'s POV

    I started to stir in my sleep as I felt my shoulder being shaken then suddenly stops. I thought, 'Ugh who's waking me up from my beauty sleep?!' I opened my eyes and was met with bright scarlet eyes that held wonder and curiosity. After a few seconds of staring into each other's eyes, I heard the sound of my phone ringing. I looked down to see if it was who I think it was, and sure enough, I that he was calling me. I look up at the man in front of me and say, "I'm sorry, but I have to take this."

"O-oh no worries." The man says as he rubs the back of his neck.

I click the green button then put the phone up to my ear and say, "Hello?"

"Let me guess you feel asleep while exercising?" Shouto says in a monotone voice.

"How do you know me so well?" I say slightly embarrassed.

"Trust me, I have years of experience. Now go home and get some sleep, you don't want to be late on your first day now do you?"

"Ok ok, you win. I'm my way home now."


"Bye." And with that, I hang up  then look at the man behind me. "Well, I guess this is goodbye, for now, see ya later," I say dashing in the direction of my house. Once I get home I take a nice hot shower, get dressed, then go to sleep.

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