Quirk Assesment Test

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Geez, I'm so nervous!!" I said out loud. "What if I do something wrong, like trip and embarrass myself in front of the entire class!!! What if...." I started to unconsciously mumble about everything I could do and that could go wrong during the test.

"Hey um....are you ok? Cause you're mumbling a lot and it's getting kinda creepy." I suddenly heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see who it was, and surprise surprise, it's......

"Midoriya! God, don't do that again you scared me." I exclaimed putting one hand on his shoulder and the other on my chest.

"OH! S-Sorry (L/n)-Chan. It's just t-that you w-were mumbling a lot." Midoriya stuttered as he furiously blushed from embarrassment. I smiled at him and said with a slight stammer, "I-Its alright Midoriya, there's nothing for you to be sorry for." After a while, of having to listen to Aizawa talk I finally hear him say, "Ok, now you may begin the Test."

Grip Strength

We were all handed a device that was supposed to tell us how strong grip is. So I gripped the device and the number that I got was 59.97kg. Hmm, not bad, I think to myself. Then I overhear someone saying, "WOW YOU GOT 160kg?!?" I walked towards the group that was surrounding a tall, octopus-guy. And listened to them talk, even saying a few compliments to him here and there.

50-meter dash

I heard Aizawa call my name for the 50-meter dash, as well as a girl named Jiro. When we got into our starting positions, I said, giving her a smile, "Good luck." Just as I said that there was a loud bang, signaling that the race has started. So I focused on increasing my blood flow and oxygen production and concentrated it towards my legs. I began to pick up speed, then before I knew it I had passed the finish line. "4.84"

I heard panting behind me and looked to see Jiro jogging towards me, "H-*cough*How w-were you that fast?!" She exclaimed in utter shock. But I wouldn't blame her, if I saw a random kid I was beating suddenly speed up and win, I'd be shocked too. "I just used my quirk," I said in a happy tone as I offered her a water, to which she gladly accepted and chugged down.

Standing Long Jump

As I waited for my turn, I found myself talking to a certain redhead. He told me that his name was Kirishima. We had a fun time talking about random things like the awkward incident that happened the previous day, to even which color we thought was the best.

He said that it was red because the color was 'so manly,' but I begged to differ because I think that (f/c) is the best color there is.  "(l/n) (Y/n)" Aizawa called for me to begin.

For this test it was simple. I did the same thing as I did on the last test, but then I also concentrated some of that into my arms so that it would give me more momentum. As I was concentrating I had closed my eyes, then once I opened them, I jumped as far as I could using both my legs and arms for momentum and power.

Once I had felt my feet hit solid ground, I took a peek to see where I was. Turns out I was pretty darn close to the end of the platform. I looked around to see the shocked faces of my classmates. I also saw Kirishima giving me a thumbs up, Midoryia looking at me with stars in his eyes, Todoroki looking at me with his usual empty stare, and Bakugou scoffing at me.

So it was a good day!

Side Steps

This was the part that I was the least excited about, so I did what any other reasonable person would do................. I sulked in a corner and complained about how much I hate exercise and side steps. After I had finished doing side steps came out at 16th which wasn't bad but definitely wasn't good.

Ball Throw

I was a little bit nervous about this one as I stood on the sidelines and watched as everyone did so good at this. Apparently, Kirishima noticed this and tried to comfort me. "Hey Don't worry. I'm sure you'll be so manly!" He said charismatically with a bright smile with stars in his eyes. This made me start to laugh.

What I didn't know was that when I was laughing, Kirishima blushed. I was laughing for a good 30 seconds before I felt someone staring at me. I turned around to see that it was...Bakugou!!! Well, that's weird, I thought to myself. I ignored him and stepped into the circle once it was finally my turn. My face turned serious as I got into a pitcher stance. I then concentrated on triggering the motor neurons to/in my arms.

(A/N: Motor neurons are triggered from the part of the cell called sarcoplasmic reticulum. Motor neurons are what tell the body to contract and the better you are at controlling/having those signals the stronger you get)

I could feel my muscles contracting in my right arm. I took a glance at my classmates to see them looking in anticipation. I then threw the ball as far  as my body would allow me to.

Author's POV

The ball launched into the air. The force that was used to propel the ball forward caused a huge gust of wind to come from the circle, causing a few students to shield their eyes and faces from the blast.

Once the ball finally dropped Aizawa looked at his device. He held it up to the class and read, "710.09." The girl that threw the ball looked astonished, for even she didn't know that that it was going to go that far. She stood in the middle of the circle with her mouth open in shock.

"...wow," was all she could utter as she walked back to her spot next to Midoriya. "(Y-Y/n) that was awesome!" He said to the (h/c) haired girl with amazement. Oh how he wished he had a notebook so he could write about her quirk.

She looked at him then smiled, "Thanks Midoriya, but if you'll excuse me. I'm gonna take a nap." (Y/n) then walked over to the nearest patch of grass there was and laid down, almost instantly falling asleep

You see this was one of the two drawbacks of her quirk. If she uses her quirk a lot but between long durations of time, she gets sleepy. But if she were to use her quirk a lot in short time intervals or for a long time without stopping, she would start to bleed from her eyes, ears, and mouth. If the reader were to continue using her quirk after this happened then she would eventually die from blood loss. Now back on with the story!

(Y/n)'s POV

I was enjoying my wonderfully calming slumber when I was awoken to someone shouting. I wondered who was the idiot that would dare interrupt my sleep. I sat up straight and put a hand to my face as I groggily rubbed my eye. I then looked up and said with venom in my voice, "Who's the idiot that woke me up?" Everyone immediately froze and slowly turned towards me.

Once they saw me they all pointed towards Bakugou, who was being restricted by Aizawa's scarf. "You..." I declared as I pointed to him, "Will pay." I made my arm stronger and ran towards him only to be stopped by Aizawa, who wrapped his scarf around me as well. "Now calm down, class is almost over." He said dropping both me and Bakugou. I sighed heavily and stood up.

Everyone gathered around a board as Aizawa revealed our scores. I saw that I came in 3rd. Not bad, I though to my myself. But as I looked at all the names, I saw Midoriya' s was last. I looked at him to see that he was shocked. I drowned out what everyone had said and went back to the class with everyone else.

The rest of the day was moderately normal, and when school needed I walked home by myself. Once I walked into my house I was greeted by my mother who gave me a hug. My dad also said hello, but was busy doing paperwork.

"Honey how did your first day at UA go?" My mom said in excitement. "It went great! Aizawa's teaching our class, so we had to do a test. I came in 3rd place!" I exclaimed, obviously proud of myself. "Well you should get some sleep, you look tired." My dad said from across the room as he looked up from his piles of paperwork.

My mom nodded her head in agreement. So I walked up to my room and changed into some comfortable clothes. Then I fell onto my bed and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

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