Chapter 4:

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      Bucky remains by my side the rest of the night, afraid to leave me alone with my own thoughts. I don't really mind it though, Bucky has always been like an older brother to me. Ever since we met back in that god awful place he has acted that way. Hell I wouldn't even call him an overprotective brother, more like an overprotective boyfriend.

       If something goes wrong he always pushes me behind him, if he can see someone is making me uncomfortable he will put his arm around my waist, when I'm upset he will stay by my side. I guess that all steamed from having cells next to one another.

      "How old are you kid?"he asks as he escorts me to my cell. I had already tried to get away from him but obviously that didn't work. "I'm 17." "Jesus Christ."he says sternly. We enter my cell together, I stop in the middle and look around the cold dark room.

      My mind takes me back to the moment we met as I lay comfortably into his side while we watch some European sitcom. It wasn't that funny but Buck seemed to like it. "I'm going to take a shower."I say as I stand, wrapping the thin blanket around myself.

      He lets out a small chuckle as I start to walk away. "You look like a walking burrito."he laughs. I laugh at his words as I turn to him, "yeah yeah, at least I don't look like the terminator." His smile disappears as he says "that's cold." I chuckle and just walk in to the bathroom. The faucet squeaks as I turn the water on and let it run over my finger tips.

       I let the water continue to run as I slowly strip of my clothes. My eyes catch myself in the mirror. My appearance has seemed to change slightly but what do you expect from someone who has been on the run since they were 17. I mean my face has become thinner along with the rest of my body, but I have more curves.

    My waist is smaller but my legs are more toned. Overall I seem more muscular and toned. I'm slightly pleased with my look that is until my eyes fall on the nasty scar left on my shoulder. A deep sigh slips through my lips as I stair at the imperfection.

       "Hold on Blue!" Before I know it my eyes are closed and I'm surrounded by total darkness. I think at this moment that maybe god has finally answered my prayers from years before and has taken me. In a way I'm ready to go. Suddenly I feel this pressure on my chest and this zap. My eyes shoot open to see Bucky dressing the new wound and putting my arm in a sling.

     "What happened?"I asked drowsy from what just happened. "You lost a lot of blood and passed out on my bike. We nearly crashed." My free hand rubs my forehead. "Don't scare me like that again."he says as he helps me to my feet. "I mean it's not like I was trying too."I groan. "I thought I lost you." His eyes drift down to the ground between us.

I swallow the lump in my throat before jumping in the shower, letting the hot water rush over my skin. Not only does it wash away the dirt and grime but the stress of everything as well. It's just soothing almost like a natural remedy for stress relief. The more I lather my skin and hair the more everything seems to wash away.

Stepping out I feel refreshed and clean. The only thing that's sucks is it's absolutely freezing. I quickly rush into my room and throw on a t-shirt, shorts, and one of Bucky's hoodies. "Is that my hoodie?"he asks as I step out of the room. "Yes sir it is. I was cold."I say as I step into the kitchen.

I suddenly feel his presents behind me, the heat radiating off of him. "Can I help you?"I ask as I continue looking through the cabinets. He doesn't say anything but he does grab my hips firmly and pull me into him. I smirk devilishly at the sudden contact. His head gently rest on my shoulder as he watches me fiddle with what's in front of me.

Just his touch frustrates me and makes me stumble. His breath is hot on my neck. He doesn't say anything as he just to continues to hold me tightly. That's when I get an idea. My foot comes crashing down on his making him let go of me. My hand snatches the butchers knife that on the counter as I spin around and press it to his throat, pushing him against the wall.

This wicked smirk spreads across my lips as I hold him there. I have finally done it! I have finally beat him! "How was that?"I ask confidently knowing I had won. "Good except you forgot one thing."he says calmly. "What's that?" Suddenly I'm spun around, my back pressed against his stomach and chest, the cold steel of the knife now pressed to my throat.

The cool touch of his metal arm has pushed up the hoodie and shirt, resting on the warm slip of bare skin he has found. Damn even with a metal arm he's still hot. "Never underestimate your opponents strengths."he whispers harshly in my ear. Slowly he removes the knife from my throat. His breathing has turned slightly rugged as has mine. I slowly turn to face him, our faces inches apart.

My hands gently trail up to his chest, making him breath heavier. We are so close. Bucky just lean in please. It's then I hear this loud explosion type sound coming from the tv. I jump slightly at the sound, Bucky's hands find my waist. His blue eyes looking at me in confusion. "What is it?"

I don't say anything as I walk into the living room. What appears in front of me makes my jaw drop. Flames from a building on fire flash across the screen. People screaming from below the building. "This is the scene from earlier as the Steve Rodgers and the rest of the Avengers tried to stop a robbery."says the news reporter grimly with her thick accent.

"Blue?"questions Bucky as he walks into the room. "What's going on?" My eyes shoot to his as swiftly enters the room and stands beside me, watching the same thing. "Oh my god."is all he can say. My heart hurt for all of those people. I slowly sit on the couch as I watch the scene as Bucky joins me. His arm wrapping around me as he pulls me close, my eyes never leaving the screen.

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