Chapter 35:

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The impact is extremely hard and knocks me on my back. This hideous beast climbs on top of me but I press my hand directly on where it's heart should be and crank up the voltage. It gives a quick whimper as my electric blast shoots through its heart. Bingo. I swiftly push the corpse off me and get to my feet. The creatures come at us in every direction.

With each one that tires to attack me I electrocute it. I can feel my eyes glowing as my power increases. It's just then I one mutant tackle Bucky, knocking his gun away. He pulls out his knife and begins stabbing at it but the thing just isn't backing down. It cries out when he gets its neck but that still doesn't stop it or really even slow it down, it actually just pissed it off.

I quickly grab my gun and pounce on the thing, my legs wrapping around it allowing me to roll with it. The creature flys from my legs giving me enough time to stand up. It looks me dead in the eye before it charges but I don't give it the chance to even get near me as I put a bullet through it's head. I turn back to Bucky, my eyes no longer glowing as he looks at me shocked.

"What?"I shrug. "Where the hell did you learn that?" "I'm dating you." "Touché." "Would you two quit chit chatting and help."grunts Steve. "You want help then get out of the water!"I say just as I'm about to leave Bucky. He grabs my arm and pulls me into a kiss. "Go kick ass Blue." "Rodger that Sargent Barns."I smirk. With that I take off towards the river.

T'challa and Cap struggle with the mutants as I reach them. They have to get out of the water in order for this to work. Quickly I pull the trigger on my gun ending the lives of the beast. "Mind getting out of the water now?"I say sarcastically. They look from me to each other in awe. "Move damnit!" They do as I say as I crank up the voltage. Several sparks jump through my fingers as I take a deep breath and slam my hand down to the bottom of the river.

Electricity attacks all the beast in and entering the water, killing them instantly. "I guess water and electricity really don't mix."Cap says through the ear piece. I don't say anything as I feel my power draining. I can't hold this much longer thankful it has helped make a dent. Suddenly I see Rhodes coke crashing to the ground.

"What the hell is that thing?!"I shout as I look at the weird alien next to the goat girl. It's just then I run completely out of juice and the mutants tackle me. Water rushes into my nose and mouth as they push me under. My lungs scream for air as I hold my breath. I need to relax, the faster I relax the faster my powers get stronger.

The beast keep attacking me, on actually bites me on my shoulder. I scream out in pain but my screams are muffled by the water. In that moment I grab my gun and unload. The body fall off of me as I stand up. My lungs rejoicing at the oxygen now filling them. I toss the gun to the side and jump as this bright beam of light crashes to the ground.

This axe thing flies around shocking several of the creatures, killing them. "Who's that guy?"I ask. "The is Thor."I hear Cap say happily. "Bring me Thanos!"yells this Thor guy. Looking more closely I see these blue sparks. He's just like me but I'm not a god. "Who are the other two?" "No idea."

Out of the corner of my eye I see these things staring to surround Bucky and the raccoon. I sprint as fast as I possibly can to join them. "Come and get some space dogs!"yells the raccoon. I just ignore him and run right past him, my eyes locked on the mutant ready to charging at Bucky from the side. Quickly I grab Bucky's knife from its holster, making him jump and slide beneath the beast. The blade digs in deep as I slice through the creature like butter, leaving it gutted.

More come running my way as I start cutting through them. The pain in my shoulder becoming more and more severe with each movement. One mutant tackles me, pinning me flat on my back, the knife knocked out of my hand. I try to get electrocute the damn thing when suddenly it falls to the side. My eyes jump in Bucky's direction to see him spinning around with his gun and the Raccoon.

I lay my head back in relief as I try to catch my breath. "How much for the gun?"asks the raccoon. "Not for sale?" "Okay how much for the arm?" Bucky doesn't say anything as he walks over and helps me up. "You okay?"he asks worried, his eyes jumping around looking for anything wrong. They land on my shoulder but I don't give him the chance to say anything.

"Look out!"I yell as I push him behind me, slamming my fist down again. The mutants scream in pain the my power travels from the ground into there bodies, killing them with a matter of seconds. "Listen buddy if you won't give me your gun or your arm can I at least have her?" I smirk and look back at Bucky before giving a small shock to the raccoon.

Suddenly the ground begins to shaking making everyone stop and look. I watch in horror as these massive machines pop out from under the ground. They look like massive rolling blades, if the don't crush you then say goodbye to your body parts. We stand there in total shock, unsure of what to do.

"Blue can take those things out?" "That's a good question."I say. "Fall back!"yells T'challa. We all follow his command and make a break for it. The machines begin to split apart and one is heading directly for Steve. I can feel my eyes begin to glow as I head for Steve. He suddenly trips and falls to the ground. See my chance and leap over him and slam both of my hands into the ground. Blue bolts of lightning shoot from the ground and into the machine. Thankfully it's enough to make it stop working and fall to the ground.

"Well I guess that answers the question now doesn't it."I say as I try to catch my breath. Quickly I get up and take his hand in mine, helping him go his feet. It's then we realize we have no place to run to. We need to stand and fight.

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