Chapter 15:

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~Bucky's POV~

       Her head rest peacefully in the crook of my neck while her hand lays on my chest, just above my heart. I can feel the goosebumps rise on her skin as she gives a small shiver. It makes sense since the only thing we have on is the sheets. I'm about to move the sheets further up on her but she just moves herself closer to me.

      Just this little action alone puts a smile on my face. I have wanted this for years but with Hydra in my head I knew this could never happen. Hell fearing Hydra was only half of it, I had no idea if she would forgive me for leaving her. I had no choice, if I would have gone with her than I would have killed her.

     If I wouldn't have killed her then they would have done far worse to her, probably enough that would have killed her. I close my eyes as I think back to those moments, the moments that just destroyed her.

"You want to misbehave and act like a delinquent then you will be treated like one!" I watch helplessly as they restrain her and beat the absolute hell out of her before throwing her into a tank of eels. My heart pounds in my chest, if she can't make it out of those restraints she's a goner for sure. Her eyes meet mine as she scans for anyway out. When she can't find one she starts panicking.

Come on Blue use what I taught you, don't panic think. She some how seems to catch on to what I'm thinking and manages to calm herself down. I watch intently as I watch her get her arms out from behind her and start undoing the rope tied tightly around her feet. Once Blue unties her feet she tries to figure out her wrist.

Anxiousness and a small amount of anger starts to fill the pit of my stomach, I don't know how much longer she can hold her breath. She begins to struggle and fight with the restraint. The electric eels zapping her small body left and right. I watch as she winces at the pain. Her eyes surprisingly are not wide with fear but instead focused on the task at hand, even with the eels zapping her. After another minute she is free and swims to the top.

"Sargent Barns take her back to her cell." She is half way out of the tank and half in, to exhausted to pull herself out. Her breathing has become very rugged as she tries to get any amount of oxygen she can in her lungs. I don't say anything to her knowing if I do it will just make our lives worse. Grabbing her arm I lead her back to her cell, silence filling the room.

Once we are away from the agents I finally turn to her. "You did good but what the hell were you thinking Blue? You can't just be stupid like that." "Seriously? I just got half beat to death and nearly drowned and your going to lecture me?"she snaps. Blue never snaps at me, she only snaps when something is really wrong.

Taking a closer look at her I notice her hips are pressed to the wall as her hands tightly grip her knees. She still isn't breathing normally like she should be at this point. "I did it so I could get the hell out of here and get back... get back...." "What?" She looks at me with her icee blue eyes, "Bucky somethings....somethings....wrong." Just as she gets the words out she collapses to the ground.

"Blue!" I move her shirt away from her side trying to see if there was something wrong with her abdomen. Sure enough black and blue splotches cover her rib cage, the worst of it being on her right side. I don't know what to do, if I get help they will come after me, if I don't she could die. I swiftly pick her up and rush her to the doctors and tell them in my robotic tone what happened.

Anxiously I watch as they place her on a table and check her out. I knew they would save her because that just gives them the excuse to experiment even more so on their greatest achievement. Come on Blue hang in there....please.

"Bucky, wake up." My eyes fly open and her face comes into view. I feel this tightness in my chest and basically everywhere else. "Relax Buck it was just a nightmare."she soothes. Her small hand traces over my chest and stomach as I turn to my side to face her.

Her eyes glance to different areas of my face as she brings her hand up to my cheek, gently rubbing it with her thumb. "I'm not going to force you to tell me about it because I know you won't but just know everything is okay. You have nothing to be afraid of here. I'm right here whenever you need me okay?" I nod as I slowly lean in to kiss her.

Those pink lips of hers were so perfect. They were soft and smooth, but the best part was how they melt in to mine. It's almost like they were meant to be molded with mine. I admit I have fallen for this girl. She is the angel to my devil which makes her perfect.

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