Chapter 22:

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     There is a sudden flash and clicking sound as something appears on a television screen. From the looks of it it's old camera footage, maybe from a high way or something. "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again, but one which crumbles within that's dead. Forever." We huddle around the screen trying to get a glimpse of what's happening.

     "I know that road."says Tony, uneasiness in his voice. I look down and read the words on the tape. Oh no, I remember this. "What is this?"questions Tony. No one says anything as we all turn back to the screen.

     I race by their car on my bike making them crash into a tree. Circling back around I park my bike and walk over to the driver side door. "Help my wife."he pleads. I don't say anything as I grab the man by his shirt hair and reveal his bloody face. Howard Stark. He looks up at me, worry filling his eyes. "Sargent Barns."

     My eyes flicker back and fourth between the floor and the film. I remember having a nightmare about this night. Blue rushed into the room and woke me up. I remember accidentally pushing her away from me, thinking she was a threat. She fell to the floor hard but seemed to bounce back up. I kept apologizing but she kept saying she was fine. She just sat on the edge of the couch and payed her upper half on my still quivering body. "Shh it's okay Bucky, it was just a nightmare. I'm here now."she said to me. She gently rubbed my arm as she rest against me. In the end Blue stayed with me the rest of the night, ready to fight off any monsters that came.

     "Howard."cried his wife. I was completely unfazed by their cries and please. He just looks up at me as I slam my metal fist into his face over and over again, not stoping until the job was done. "Howard!" His body falls limp as I let him go and place him back in the drivers seat, facing his wife. I make my way to the passenger side and wrap my normal hand around her throat. After that I shot out the camera.

     The screen turns black, Stark jumps towards me making me step back and Steve grab. "Did you know?"he whispers to Steve. "I didn't know it was him."responds Steve. "Don't bullshit me, did you know?" "Yes." There is a moment of silence between all of us that is until Stark bashes Steve in the face. He falls hard on to the concrete service leaving me standing there ready to fire.

      He shoots my gun away but I don't cower, instead I throw a left hook. My plan didn't go as well as I hoped. Stark actually catches my arm and goes for my throat. Before I know it I'm up in the air being slammed into the groan. I groan as he steps on my arm and gets ready to fire. Suddenly Steve's shield hits him making him miss. It distracts him long enough for me to get up and rejoin the fight, but once again he picks me up and pins me. Man this flying thing is really a pain in the ass.

       Stark powers up his hand gun but I swiftly grab it and crush it in my hand, leaving him stunned. Then he tries to shoot this little rocket at me. I push his hand as he shoots one of the large structures. The structure burst into flames and starts to fall. I push him off and jump out of the way.

      Swiftly getting to my feet I look at Steve seeing if he's okay. "Get out of here!" I don't hesitate and make a break for it. Stark just keeps firing at me as I open the hatch to freedom. "It wasn't him Tony. Hydra had control of his mind!"yells Steve. "Move!" "It wasn't him!"

      I keep climbing up as they fight. I'm half way there when some how even after having a failing boot jet he catches up to me. With a strong kick to my chest I'm thrown against the wall, hitting the metal ledge just below. He aims and Steve jumps in the way. Starks fun fires back at him as it bounces off the shield. "He's not gonna stop, go."

       I bolt not wanting to stick around and see what happens next. The only thing that's on my mind is getting out of here. Unfortunately if I make it out of this that means I have to leave Blue behind. She's safer with out me and that's all I want. I want her to be safe. After all these years together I made sure to protect her but now I'm a threat and if I hurt her.....I wouldn't be able to take it.

     I'm almost out when another one of Tony's weapons fire, hiring the hing on the hatch. I let go of the ledge just before I'm crushed. This harsh groan escaping me as I fall on to my back. He starts to make his way to me but I'm not giving up that easily. Grabbing a pipe I hit him with it making him stumble slightly.

     He doesn't give up though. Somehow he spins me around and puts me in a chokehold. "Do you even remember them?"he whispers. "I remember all of them."  He pulls us off the ledge towards the bottom, my lungs begging for some sort of oxygen. Steve jumps on to us bringing us down even faster.

     We break apart as we fall, I land on my side on one of the ledges. Pain rushing through me as I try to move. I know for a fact I have at least two broken ribs. If only Blue were here, she would know how to take care of it. She would patch me up after every fight. The best part is she wasn't afraid to do it, no matter how bad it was she did it and she was always gentle.

      My eyes drift to Steve as he struggles to stand after the fall. "This isn't going to change what happened."he pants. "I don't care. He killed my mom."  The two of them go at it like two wolves fighting for a piece of meat. I try to move but I'm in so much pain I can only watch. No I have to move! I have to help my friend. It's then I notice the red, white and blue shield laying by me.

       Slowly I reach for it then jump down to them. Stark tries to hit me but instead hits the shield again. From there it's two on one. I throw the shield to Steve and kick at start. Steve hits him in the face with the shield and I start to swing. The next few minutes which end up feeling like years are Steve and I throwing the shield to one another and doing whatever we can to stay on our feet.

       At this point I'm just gettin pissed. He shoots Steve and punches me. Alright asshole I'm sick of this. I block all his plows and hit him so hard he stumbles to the wall, but I'm not stoping there. Pinning his head to the wall I go for that precious power source in his chest. He tries to push me off but his grip on me is nothing compared to mine.

      A scream escapes me as small sparks start to shoot from the power source. I've almost got it. Suddenly a laser gets shot off and I fall to my knees, my hand helping me catch myself before I fully fall. Looking to my left I see my metal arm is gone.

     I'm hit again and this time I just stay down. My body can't take anymore, black spots cloud my vision now. Steve doesn't hold back though. He gives him everything he's got. Yep he's still that kid from Brooklyn I knew from many years ago. Kid never gives up even when he should. That's the last thing I see before I black out.

     After a few minutes I come to and roll to my side. My arm reaching out for her but I know she's not there. "I can do this all day." I look to Steve knowing he can't take a blow like that so I distract Stark. It didn't work that well because I take a boot to the face and everything is black. 

     My eyes slowly open to see Steve standing above me, offering me a hand up. I accept and use him as a support to try and walk. My body screams with pain as I take a step. "That shield doesn't belong to you. You don't deserve it. My father made that shield!"yells Stark. We stop and Steve drops his shield. It looks like Zemo got what he wanted. The Avengers are no more.


      Oh my god the new Avengers trailer! I'm like ready to cry and leap for joy! Just oh my god! Okay that's all ✌🏼

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