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Rick Grimes just woke up from being in a coma. He lays there while trying to adjust his eyes. He slowly cleans up and struggles due to the shot wound on the left side of his hip.

As he stands holding onto his heart monitor he falls. He falls landing on his other side gasping for air. After he catches his breath he slowly gets up again and then takes off all of the contacts. Rick leaves the room and notices that the lights are flickering in the hallways.

There are several overturned beds and papers everywhere. Rick shuffles down the Halls. He comes to a desk and picks up a phone, but he is unable to get a dial tone. In one of the bins by the phone he finds a pack of matches. He likes one.

He continues down the dark hallway and looks through a glass door period on the other side on the floor is a dead woman that is missing her abdomen and her entrails are hanging out of her stomach.

Disgusted, Rick continues down the hallways. He sees bullet hose and blood stains on the walls and walks toward a door that is changed together with a lock on it, and it says, "Don't Open, Dead Inside." When he is standing right in front of it the door starts to push open from the other side but the Block & Board that was placed on it kept it from opening completely.

Hands that look pale and dirty reach out trying to get it rick, but he runs away from it. He tries to get in the elevator, but it wasn't working. He runs into a stairwell but when the door closed behind them it is pitch black so he can't see anything. He likes several matches until the very last one White's, and then he notices an exit door down the stairs. When Rick reaches the bottom he opens the door and goes out into the light.

As he walks down to the parking lot rixies hundreds of bodies laying on the ground with the white body bags over them, blood stains on them. Rick is disgusted by the stinky bodies that have flies buzzing all around them. Rick approaches and embankment where there is a helicopter, military tents and vehicle setup. The place had been destroyed and abandoned. Rick walks down a street and finds a bicycle. He picks it up and notices it courts beside it.

"Amanda, Amanda, Carl, Carl, Amanda, Carl!"

They are nowhere to be found so Rick drops to the floor sobbing.

He walks out on to the steps of his house and sits down frustration. He has no idea how to take all of this in. He looks over and sees a man walking down the street. Rick stares at him, confused, and starts to motion for him to come over. Someone comes up behind Rick. He turns around to take a shovel to the face. Dwayne, a kid has hit Rick.

"Daddy, Daddy!" The kid Duane yelled.

"Carl......Carl? I found you....." Rick calls Duane by the name of Carl thinking that he found his son.

"Daddy, I got this sum bitch. I'm gonna smack him dead."

Morgan, Duane's father runs over and shoots the other man in the street in the  head.

"He say something? I thought I heard him say something." Morgan asked his son,  Duane.

"He called me Carl." Duane had told his father.

"Son you know they don't talk." Morgan notices the bandage on Rick.

"Hey mister what's that bandage for?" Morgan asked Rick. "What kind of wound? You answer me damn you! What's your wound?" Morgan was getting irritated because Rick doesn't respond.

" you tell me or I will kill you."

Rick the passes out.

Rick wakes up in a house and sees Duane with a baseball bat watching him.

"Got that bandage changed out. It was pretty rank. What was the wound?" Morgan asked.

"Gunshot." Rick replied.

"Gunshot? What else? Anything?" Morgan wasn't believing him.

"What gunshot ain't enough?"

"Look, I ask and you answer. It's common courtesy right? Did you get bit?" Morgan questioned.

" Bit? What do you mean bit?" Rick was confused.

"Bit? Chewed? May be scratched? Anything like that?"

"No, I got shot." Rick with complete confidence.

"Just shot?" Morgan questioned again.

"Yes just shot, nothin else." Why'd you bring me here?" Rick asked Morgan as he was getting up from the mattress on the floor.

"Duane and I have been holding up here for a while. Morgan explained to Rick.

Rick Ross walking over to the window with the dark blanket over it. He started to pull it open when Morgan told him that the Walkers will see the light.

" Walkers?" Rick was confused.

"Do you not know anything about them?" Morgan stood beside him.

"No, all I know is that I woke up in a hospital with dead people every where, and that my wife and son are missing."

"Well I'll tell you they ain't missing." Morgan said with sadness.

" oh, I know they're alive. All the photo albums are gone, and some clothes were taken. Maybe a few days worth." Rick said thinking about where they could have gone.

"Here come eat some beans." Morgan told Rick walking over to the dining table.

He sat down and started to eat really quickly.

"So there's one thing I have to tell you about the walkers." Morgan said briefly. They are dead, and we're living. Don't get bit by them."

"Bit?" Rick had no clue what he was talking about.

" when you get bit by Walker you catch an extremely high fever, and then your heart stops, and then you come back as one of them, and you're just gone." Morgan tried his best to explain all this to Rick as well as he could. It was hard for me to process all this when all he was thinking about was his family.

"Do you have any guns we can use?" Rick asked Morgan aware that he would have to kill from now on.

"Only one. The one I pulled on you earlier, sorry about that as well." Morgan told Rick.

"No, its okay, you were just being safe. I also know where there is a lot of guns and ammunition. I was a sheriff..........well before all this." Rick told Morgan.

"We'll do it early tommorow morning." Morgan said. We'll need a goodnight's rest.

Then, not too long after all three of them went to sleep, not knowing what was yet to come tomorrow.

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