Mission breifing

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I just finished up some marksmanship with the rest of the team. I stretched loosening up for a run when I heard my name over the intercom,

"Spartan, David-882, report to lord hoods office immediately" my eyes widened, I had never had to go to lord hoods office, what did I do wrong, what I- no i will not be afraid not in front of the team. I pulled myself together and walked do the office.

I arrived and knocked on the door, someone opened it to see no other than Chief Petty Officer Mendez, and Dr. Halsey. I stepped in an saluted.

"At ease spartan, we called you here because you will be going on a highly classified mission." Lord Hood said

"Sir permission to speak?" I asked

"Granted" he replied

"Sir what about my team? There is still so much they need to learn, they need to learn how to be an actual team, not just individuals in a group" I said with slight worry in my voice

"That's one reason officer Mendez is here, he will train your team, as for Dr. Halsey, shes here to help them understand you and your ways of battle" he said

"Ok, what's this mission?" I asked

"It's called Project Freelancer, it's an ONI Funded project, we've had some suspensions about the director, if you find anything suspicious report to us as soon as possible. we want you to pose as a new recruit, you'll be given a different, lighter set of armor, and you will get to choose an Agent name. Remember spartan, your undercover, don't tell anyone of who you are or your origins, you'll be leaving tomorrow" he said

"Yes sir" I said and saluted

"Go to the armory, your new armor is waiting" he said

"Dismissed" lord hood said and with that I turned and walked out of the door walking to the armory where I saw my new set of armor, it was still my typical EVA but it's primary color was a brick red and secondary was orange, and it had a silver visor.

I had my normal armor taken off, and they put my new armor on, what a weight difference, my aqua armor weighed 1000 lbs this weighed only about 150 lbs, I got my AI, Maximus (Max for short), out of my other helmet port and put his chip in my new h...

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I had my normal armor taken off, and they put my new armor on, what a weight difference, my aqua armor weighed 1000 lbs this weighed only about 150 lbs, I got my AI, Maximus (Max for short), out of my other helmet port and put his chip in my new helmet, his face popped up on my HUD,

"It seems like your nervous David, is there anything I can do to help?" Max said

"No, I'm fine Maximus, just a mission I need to go on" I said and walked toward the team.

"Ok if you need help I'm always here" he said and his face went away

"Guys, it's me David, I'm going on a classified mission, I don't know how long I will be gone or even if I make it back, I'm leaving tomorrow, Chief Petty Officer Mendez will be training you, turning you into a team, and Dr. Halsey will be teaching you about Spartans so you have a better understanding of who we are and the way we fight." I said

"Understandable, I will also contribute to helping us become more of a team rather than a group" Joseph said and smiled

"What's with the new armor, it looks strange, you can't just change your skin color like that." Landon said and I took off my helmet

"I'm not just a robot with armor on" I said everyone looked at me in shock

"Will I be able to have help when it comes to being a sniper?" Rose asked

"If officer Mendez can't help you (which is highly unlikely) find a member of blue team, Linda-058, she's the best sniper I know" I said

"I'll see you bud" Jackson said

"When will we see you again" Matthew asked

"Hopefully when I finish, hopefully I will finish soon" I said and had to walk away to my barrack and packed a few things.

I grabbed my magnum and both of my energy swords. That was all I needed, I walked to the mess hall to eat, I got my food and sat down, a marine walked up to me,

     "I've never seen a Spartan here, they don't eat do they?" He said genuinely curious

     "Yes we eat, we are humans just like you" I said and took a bite, I cringed at the taste, I should be used to it by now but nope it's still disgusting.

     "But everyone says that Spartans are just machines, were they wrong?" He asked

     "They were very wrong, Spartans are just genetically enhanced humans who always wear armor Incase of an attack" I said and took another bite. We talked for about an hour, I answer every question I could more like, every question I was allowed to answer.

     I looked at the time 9:00 i stood up said goodbye to the marine and walked to my barrack, I laid in my bed and let sleep consume me.

Agent-882Where stories live. Discover now