Chapter 10

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I was up all night long with Heather, but there was no hanky panky. She downloaded the file to her phone and we read it from there. We went over every nook and cranny of the thing. A lot of the information was in there, I already knew but Heather didn't.

"Had I known the man I had been spying on was such a creep, I would have asked for a new assignment. I knew about the stuff on the surface, but I had no clue the rabbit hole was this deep."

"A lot of the information in there didn't come out until Lang was put away. You helped us put him in the clink along with many others like him. Without your help, all these years, many men like Frank Lang would still be roaming the streets. The state owes a great debt to you."

She blushed not knowing what to say, so she just kept reading. She read for a half-hour straight before she had to take a breather.

"Are you okay?" I watched her rub her precious emeralds with a closed fist.

"I'm fine," she assured me. "I just have never stared at my phone for this long of a time. Even when I would spend nights texting my ex-boyfriend back-and-forth, I never kept my eyes fixed on it for this long."

"You two could have just talked, you know. That was what we did back in my day."

"Back in your day, phones were connected to walls by chords." She laughed at her own joke. "Besides, it's hard to hold a conversation with someone when they are at work."

"You mean you would text your boyfriend while you were at work? Seems odd that a girl would be texting her boyfriend one minute and rubbing herself up against another man's junk the next, but I guess it's the way things are nowadays."

She rolled her emeralds at me. "Not me, him." She gave me an explanation. "I would be home alone on my days off work and he would be working. I would text him during his shift cause he has a lot more freedom at his job than I did at mine."

"What did he do for a living?"

"He worked third shift at a gas station."

"Why did you two split up? Was it because of your job?"

"Sort of," she sighed. Then, she went into the story about how they never saw each other, for one. He worked the third shift and so did she. His only days off were Thursdays and Fridays, and even those were questionable as he was constantly being called in. Her work week went from Thursday to Monday. The stripping didn't bother him at all. He found it thrilling. He even bragged about it to all of his other minimum wage working buddies. He was also thrilled by how she paid for everything in the relationship. What he did mind though was the fact she was an undercover cop spying in strip clubs to bust bad guys.

"How did he find out?" I was curious to know.

She took a deep breath and gave me a sob story. She told me about how last Christmas, he managed to get the night off because a coworker of his wanted the holiday pay. She had the night off. I guess even strip club owners acknowledge Jesus. She giggled, wiped the snot from her nose, and continued. She talked about how they went to see her family, first. Then, they went to his family afterward. They went back to her place, exchanged gifts, and started kissing. He wanted more. She told him not on Christmas. He got angry and asked me why she was willing to let other guys feel me up, but not him. She told him the truth. She told him she was an undercover cop. She showed him my badge, gave him the truth, and he threw the gift she gave him at her before walking out the door. That was her last relationship, and she hadn't been in a relationship since.

I got off the bed and put my arms around her. "I'm sorry, kid. I am so sorry."

She cleared her throat. "Those were the words you said to me the night my dad died. That was the night I decided I wanted to become an undercover cop."

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