So before I say anything, I need to talk about the amount of homework that I got last night. I was up til 10 (that's late for me ok) doing
-My HUGE book project
-Grammar pages
-Studying for English test
-Spanish flash cards
-Studying said cards
-Answering 22 questions for spanish
-Spanish workbook pages
Ok well written down it doesn't look like a crazy amount but I swear it was and I had the worst headache so that was fun..
On a lighter note, in Science, since we're studying biology, we had to make a family tree and pick a family, do two genuses in the family, and two more species in each genus. So we did the family ursidae and I did the genus ursus, and then drew a polar bear and a grizzly bear for the species. Anyway, my point is, is that I'm actually pretty proud of my drawing (for once) It's nowhere near perfect but in my opinion, its pretty good.
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The only therian-related thing that happened recently was this weird cameo shift thing. I was just laying on my side yesterday and my back/shoulder blades started to kind of itch, and then I could kinda sense a pair of wings. It wasn't quite a phantom shift, as in phantom shifts I can actually feel and move the part, but this was just kinda this weird...i don't know...Like say you're in your room, facing away from a poster, closet, or whatever. You can't directly see or feel it, but you just know it's there. That's what it was like. I kinda pictured them in my mind as either being tan or white, all I remember is that they were really light. I'm not really gonna further investigate, as I'm 99% sure it was just a cameo shift. I also had this thing happen when I was laying in front of the fire at home, when I closed my eyes I saw this weird thing, like a coyote or what a fennec fox would look like as a large dog with small ears.
Omg ok so I was looking up coyotes and I came across dingoes, and I instantly recognized the "dog" as a dingo!! This could be big, seeing as Ive been doubting the aussie shepherd theriotype since I found it. I honestly think I chose it just because I had been looking for a canine theriotype for so long, and it looked like a good match. Ok so I had a bunch of other stuff to say but ill do that later because I'm literally freaking out right now...Like if that isn't a theriotype then I'm definitely otherhearted!!