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I approached hidden door to the Akatsuki base and looked up at it. I'd been stalking the base for a few months so I had memorized the handsigns in advance. I pulled my hood over my head and walked inside the base once the rock had moved. My cloak shielded my body from view as I walked into the living room where six Akatsuki members were waiting in their defensive positions. Their leader, Pein, stood in front of them and watched me carefully as I fully entered the living room.

"What is it that you want here?" Pein asked in a commanding voice.

"I would like to join your organization, why else would I be here?" I replied in a cool monotone voice.

"How did you get into our base?" Pein asked now seemingly intrigued, but still cautious.

I scoffed, "I've been following your members for the last few months. I have every aspect of your members memorized within my brain; that included the handsigns for the door," I replied calmly.

"I see," Pein said in a voice that pissed me off.

"I require an answer soon, if it is yes, then I will reveal myself from underneath this cloak. If no, then I will simply take my leave but I won't be leaving without giving you a gift," I say with emphasis on gift.

"How about I give you a trial? You can join us but you have a two week trial. If you prove you're an asset then you can become a full member. If you aren't, well, we'll dispose of you. Agreed?" Pein asked formally.

"Agreed," I responded with a smirk.

I removed my hood and allowed my ankle-length bright red hair to spill down my back. I heard a gasp from the other members and looked over to see Sasori looking at me like he'd seen a ghost.

"Nari..." Sasori stammered, his once cold and stoic appearance now gone as my identity sunk in.

I grinned and cocked my head to the side to look at Sasori, "Long time no see, eh?" I said with a deep chuckle. "I wish I could say I was happy to see you, but then I would be lying," I added coldly. I dropped the cloak from my body and straightened my slashed Sunagakura forehead protector around my waist.

"Looks like we have two sand ninja now. Are you also a puppet master?" Kakuzu asked as if intrigued.

"I am, not quite on Sasori's level, but I can hold my own in a fight." I replied.

"Sasori, you're looking a little pale my man." Deidara said as he shook Sasori gently, "How exactly do you know her, un?" Deidara's ignorant question bothered even me as I looked over at him annoyed.

"Nari and I are twins Deidara. We're brother and sister." Sasori replied seemingly annoyed now as well.

"We were brother and sister. As far as I'm concerned I don't have a twin brother you're dead to me and you always will be." I said harshly as I turned to face Pein once more. He cleared his throat and took me off to show me my room without another word.

As we approached my room he cleared his throat once more and looked at me, "This won't be a problem, will it? We don't have time for petty sibling rivalry," Pein asked.

"No, that's a Uchiha thing. I'm here for a specific reason and one reason alone, if you would allow me an audience with you and Obito Uchiha later this evening I will explain." I said.

Pein seemed to have been caught off guard as he looked stunned, "How did you know about him?" He asked dumbfounded.

"I've had a lot of time to do research on each of the members. I'm not as gullible as my brother and don't think for a second that you can fool me Nagato." I replied smoothly as I entered my room leaving Pein standing there stunned.

I locked my door behind me and walked over to the floor-length mirror in the back corner. I moved my hair off my shoulder and glanced down at the burning curse mark. I certainly was here for a specific reason.

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