My Word is Final

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I ignored the questioning glances of my comrades and retreated straight to my room. I didn't want to admit that hearing those words from my once loving sister stung, but then again I wasn't even sure that was my sister. My sister died the day I fled Sunagakure and I am positive that she was dead. I stabbed the kunai into her heart, I checked for a pulse, and I left a corpse burning in the desert sun. I know this without a doubt, or at least it used to be without a doubt. I walked over to my dresser after locking my bedroom door and took out a long forgotten photo. I ran my hand over the photo of two smiling redheaded children that didn't seem to have a care in the world. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss my bubbly sister; she used to be my everything back when our parents...I shook my head to rid myself of the thought and placed the photo back within my drawer.

"That is not Nari, my sister died, I need to remember that," I reminded myself out loud.

"Sasori." Nari's voice broke the silence of my room.

I spun on my heels to see a projection of my sister standing in my room, "yes?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"I've requested a meeting between leader-sama, you, and myself. I require that you meet me in the leader's office as soon as humanly possible." She stated with a bored expression before fading away.

I slipped into my Akatsuki cloak and prepared myself mentally for what might happen when I entered that office. If I had a human heart still it would thumping against my chest from anticipation.

Pein's office was only a short walk from my room so it didn't take me long to reach it. Nari opened the door just as I approached and looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping as she ushered me in.

"Alright Nari, what is the purpose of this meeting? What are you actually here for?" Pein asked once she closed and locked the door behind me.

"As you could've guessed I am not here to actually join the Akatsuki," She stated as she glanced over at me.

"Yes, I gathered that much," Pein replied.

Nari cleared her throat and dropped the cold act that she was putting up, "I need your help, you see we have a common enemy and I know many ways to break said enemy down," Nari said.

"We have a lot of enemies." Tobi stated as he came from the corner. I was taken aback by the anger in his voice.

Nari smirked,"yes, you do. You're all familiar with the man of the snakes are you not?" Nari asked.

The tension in the room could be cut with a kunai at the mention of him. Of course we were all familiar with Orochimaru, how could we not be?

"You know that we are," Pein said.

Nari nodded and moved her hair from her shoulder to expose a bright red curse mark. Everytime her hair grazed the curse mark she would wince in pain as it burned on her skin. My hand instinctively reached out to her but I caught myself before I touched it.

"That's how you're alive.." I said as I looked at her.

"What is he talking about?" Tobi asked as he nodded towards me.

"You see, my brother and I have some history that made me resent him. The day he fled from Sunagakure I was sent to retrieve him with several other ninja; of course Sasori didn't know who was who because we wore cloaks and had masks like the one I was wearing when I came in. During this fight he killed all of us. He stabbed a kunai through my heart and left me for dead in the blazing desert sun." Nari paused, "It was after my burial that I presume Orochimaru took me and revived me to serve him as an undead corpse. I am not alive, my heart does not pump and blood does not flow through my veins."

"How do you expect us to help?" Pein asked.

I spaced out as I listened to them talking but not taking in any of the words I was hearing. This really was my sister and by killing her I gave her to Orochimaru. I didn't think I could still feel human emotions but the guilt that tore me was like none that I had experienced before. I hadn't even felt this guilty when I first killed her, I tricked myself into believing that she deserved to die for coming after me, but she was just doing her job as a ninja for our kage.

" return I give you all the information I can gather while living with Orochimar," Nari finished her plan as I tried to zone back in.

"No, you are not going back to him. I know what this will cause for the Akatsuki, and I will accept the consequences of my actions, but Nari will not be going back to him and she will be moving into my room," I interjected my thoughts before Pein could respond.

"Sas-" Nari began but I sent a glare her way.

"No, my word is final as your brother. I don't give a shit about the consequences because this is my fault and I will fix it," I said looking at her.

Pein seemed surprised that I spoke that way, and so was I, but I will not hand my sister back to that monster. I left the office to return to my room without waiting for a response. I would fight to the death to protect my sister after what I've done and that's final.

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