Chapter - 1 New school

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Chapter – 1 New school

"Wow, how is she?" someone said in the crowd.

"Maybe a new admission?" someone else said in the crowd.

"She is so beautiful" a girl said to another girl

I raised hand to run my hand through my hair as I walked to the main office to get my timetable as I'm new to this school.

"Good morning ma'am, I am new here." I said to the lady at marketing office.

"Oh then, let's get your timetable. What’s name dear?" the lady said.

"Heroin Amelia Angels" I said to her.

"You have a very interesting name. I got your name in; I'll print your timetable and give locker combination okay?"

"Thank you" I said that and she handed me my timetable with my locker combination. I walked to my locker as hear few whisper about me. 'This is seriously getting really annoying, what is there to talk about me? A normal high school new student that is it!' I sighed and opened my locker with the combination. I looked at which class I had at first. 'Looks like its math, shit! I hate math' I got my books for math and closed my locker, just then I heard someone squealed.

"Oh my gosh, it's 'The 4 Royals'" a girl said and started blushing like crazy.

"They are so hot." another girl said. I saw these four guys walking gracefully through the hallway. 'Well I do admit that they're good looking and that's it to it'. One of the Royals looked at me or behind me but he winked. I had a poker face and rolled my eyes at him. He had an amused look on his face and mouthed 'I like that' I groaned and rolled my eyes again 'give me a break and here I thought these Royal guys are different not players' with that thought I left for my first class in this recently co-ed school with almost 75% of boys. I sighed for the second time, I entered my classroom.

"Oh, you must be the new student. Heroin Angels right?" my math teacher asked

"Yes" I said.

"My name is Jeremy Gray, your math teacher. Please take any seat you like, okay?" Mr. Gray said turning around to face the smart board.

I looked around to find a seat, found two seats. ‘You have got to be kidding me, the one seat had to between those so called The Royals and the other is next to the window. Guess I’ll go to the window seat’ I thought. "Miss Angels, if you can take a seat, I’ll continue my lesson" Mr. Gray said facing me.

"Yes, I am sorry, Mr. Gray" I said and walked to seat next to the window. I had a view of the city from this seat. 

"Sorry, Mr. Gray" a guy said entering the classroom. "You are late Mr. Griffins and you owed yourself a detention too" Mr. Gray said not even sparing a glance to this guy. 'I know him from somewhere and I can't remember where' I thought. This guy walked to the Royals and bro fist them and seat in the empty between them. My first class went smoothly and I made a friend in my Art class. She is called Cassidy Young, she is really nice.

Time-Skip Lunch Hall

I was got my cheese sandwich and walked to where Cassidy is seating. I could still hear whispering about me and they suddenly stopped and girls squealed and I knew exactly who entered the lunch hall. The Royals.

“Oh My Golly Gosh! It’s the complete Royals. The 5 Golden Royals.” Girls starting squealing as they entered and walked to their table but one person is standing where he is staring at me and not moving an inch. The whispering started again; I looked straight at him ‘I remember him now he is…’ I was cut of my thought when he started walking towards and more people started whispering again.

“Hey heroin, long time no see.” He said smiling a bit sadly but didn’t show it.

“Hi Nathan, yea long time. I prefer if you are not sad about what happened that day, it was an accident, okay? I am not mad at you and I know you think I am” I said smiling and walking past him. I turned around sideways and said “and Nathan I also prefer if you call me with the nickname you give to me.” I finished and turned around walking away leaving a stunned Nathan and confused people.


A/N: well that’s it for today guys.

How Heroin know Nathan? Well the answer will be known soon 



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